alternate picking/dexterity exercise

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01/21/2015 6:40 am
This is an exercise that has helped my dexterity (especially with my pinky), timing, and alternate picking:


Once you get to the end, repeat. And play these as triplets and make sure to use your pinky and first finger. Try to keep your pinky from flopping around (meaning keep it arched). This is actually pretty difficult to speed up at first because it feels awkward.

Repeat on all strings and use a metronome or drum beat to work up to speed.
# 1
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01/21/2015 9:35 pm
I like it. Nice tip and thanks for posting.
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# 2
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01/22/2015 2:20 am
No problem!
# 3

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01/31/2015 11:38 pm
I agree nice tip, thanks man.
# 4

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01/31/2015 11:41 pm
how can anyone post there own tab, like you just did ? thanks
# 5

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02/01/2015 3:01 am
Is there any kind of rule of thumb , to start with a down stroke or an up stroke on alternate picking.....
My guess would be no, and it's probably best to start with a down stroke....that's my take on it...
# 6
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02/01/2015 5:55 am
Well for this exercise, that's actually the point. Since they're triplets, you start with a down stroke, but then the next triplet you're going to be playing the open string with an upstroke. So for triplets it doesn't really matter what you start with because you're going to be doing both down and up strokes on the open string.

Now, for playing licks with an even number of notes on each string, I would start with a down stroke (I think most people would). Although I do force myself to practice chromatics starting with an upstroke just to get used to it. As John Petrucci said, you have to be "ambi-picktrous."

Here's what I used to create that tab:
# 7

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02/12/2015 12:06 pm
Thank you bb!!! I like that exercise..I just bought Steve via 10/30 hour work out...and it has some really crazy alternate picking exercises in to you later...
# 8
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02/12/2015 11:20 pm
No problem! I'll have to check that book out. I'm a guitar book junkie lol
# 9

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02/13/2015 1:10 am
Originally Posted by: bbzswa777No problem! I'll have to check that book out. I'm a guitar book junkie lol

book junkie lol ,I just bought 5 books all from amazon..they have some good books by tom kolb. guitar fretboard workout is a great will have you knowing all the notes on the FB in no time, theres 5 patterns he shows modes on guitar is another goodie..chord tone soloing to name a few.
# 10

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02/13/2015 1:22 am
hey bb that's a cool site ,for some reason It wont copy..any starter tips....thanks...
# 11

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02/13/2015 1:23 am
learn any new songs...
# 12
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02/13/2015 6:07 am
I looked at the book on Amazon, I think I'll get it. Have you heard of the book "Guitar Aerobics?" I've looked through all the reviews and the first few pages, and it looks awesome, but only as long as you have a basic understand of how to do most techniques (which I know you do).

As for that tab creator site, I just highlight all of the text it creates then copy it. Maybe try a different browser?
# 13

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02/13/2015 12:52 pm
yeah I heard of and seen the book your talking about..that will be next lol..
theres another book kinda like the one your talking about..i like this one better ,its called fretboard freedom, a 52 week one lick per day theres some theory behind the licks, scales ect.....thank for the tip.....
# 14

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