Bad news regarding Jimi Hendrix songs

Hey Jon, just a thought. Is it possible that key segments of Tom and Anders' Hendrix lessons could still be shown in the 'Techniques' section without breaching the copyright restrictions which apply to complete songs? I agree with Rich Maggio that it is a real shame to lose their wonderful lessons. Best wishes, Steve
# 1

Maybe the license "pull" had something to do with the video game "Rocksmith" adding Jimi stuff ?
# 2

I won't be surprised if more songs are removed in the future. The same thing happend with Gary Moore a few years ago, just as I was learning one of his songs.
Originally Posted by: JJ90Man this is such a huge bummer! I'm almost at a loss for words. Definitely not a great way to start 2015 as a GT-member.
I remember completing learning The Wind Cries Mary and Little Wing by Anders. Two must-learn songs in my opinion for almost every guitarist. Little Wing I can now play with ease, but The Wind Cries Mary I planned on revisiting for re-learning some parts which I haven't played in a while.
I surely hope none of the other song lessons will suffer the same fate of being removed from GT anytime soon or next year. It actually worries me that other song lessons have the same risk.
All I hope is that GT can bring back these great songs and tutorials. I had a list of Hendrix songs I wanted to learn at GT so I'm hugely disappointed. I hope that sometime this year or next year GT can somehow renew the license so we can all enjoy these lessons once more. Hendrix song lessons were one of the reasons I actually joined GT so I hope you can understand my utter disappointment.
Could you perhaps provide me with a list of the song lessons removed? Ofcourse I mentioned Little Wing and The Wind Cries Mary, but there were other lessons which I wanted to learn.
# 3

I won't be surprised if more songs are removed in the future. The same thing happend with Gary Moore a few years ago, just as I was learning one of his songs.
Originally Posted by: dboncherI don't know how often licenses do not get renewed. But is there anyway we could get a notification. Yesterday I thought I had a problem with my connection because Little Wing in my favorites wouldn't load. A notification would have saved me some time trying to figure out the problem. I have only been a member for 3 months. If it happens again, I probably won't try so hard to figure it out.
# 4

I agree Steve.
Originally Posted by: Steve BarrowHi Jon,
I'm sad to hear the Hendrix news, especially as I hadn't realized that GT song licences may be short time-limited and may be 'in jeopardy of being taken down', as you say. Given the situation, wouldn't it be fairer for the GT Song List to include the dates at which each song licence is up for renewal? This might help people prioritise their practice program and avoid leaving them in the lurch.......
Regards, Steve
# 5

It's the reason I renewed my account today.
Originally Posted by: SMH99Boooo! Can't you try harder? Ander's Jimi lessons are one of the reasons I stuck with GT for another year.
# 6

The problem is not isolated. The same thing happened with Gary Moore a few years ago as I was in the middle of learning one of his songs.
Originally Posted by: Jon BroderickSorry I gave you guys the impression that this is something that might happen at any moment to other songs. That is not the case. This is an isolated problem just for songs written by Jimi Hendrix. There are no other songs in jeopardy of being removed, you don't have to plan your practice schedule around songs going out of license. Other than this, nothing bad is going to happen.
# 7

I can't help but notice that you said a few years ago.
But John said, "This is an isolated problem," as in this CURRENTLY is an isolated problem.
That's how I took it anyway.
But John said, "This is an isolated problem," as in this CURRENTLY is an isolated problem.
That's how I took it anyway.
# 8
Sad to hear this, I'm sure Jimi loved to share his music, sadly others don't :(
Originally Posted by: Jon BroderickI regret to have to tell you that we were unable to renew the license for our Jimi Hendrix song lessons. We're very sorry that we won't be able to provide you with those lessons anymore. We tried very hard to avoid this outcome, but we just weren't able to get the publisher to renew the license.
We hope you took advantage of the Jimi Hendrix contest we ran. We weren't able to tell you that the songs were in jeopardy of being taken down, but that contest was our way of giving you a hint to watch them now. The winner of the contest will be picked January 5.
We have some new songs from a different artist about to be announced in mid-January. That announcement will be as exciting as this one is sad. Hopefully, when we announce those new songs, you will be so happy you will be able to forgive this loss.
I'm really sorry I wasn't able to keep these great Jimi Hendrix songs for you. Please know that I really tried hard on this and I do everything that I can to get you great songs.
# 9

Originally Posted by: stratoplayaThe problem is not isolated. The same thing happened with Gary Moore a few years ago as I was in the middle of learning one of his songs.
I guess they resolved that because they added a Gary Moore song just a couple of weeks ago..."Still got the Blues for you".
There are some insane parts of that solo at the end :).
# 10
Originally Posted by: JJ90Man this is such a huge bummer! I'm almost at a loss for words. Definitely not a great way to start 2015 as a GT-member.
I remember completing learning The Wind Cries Mary and Little Wing by Anders. Two must-learn songs in my opinion for almost every guitarist. Little Wing I can now play with ease, but The Wind Cries Mary I planned on revisiting for re-learning some parts which I haven't played in a while.
I surely hope none of the other song lessons will suffer the same fate of being removed from GT anytime soon or next year. It actually worries me that other song lessons have the same risk.
All I hope is that GT can bring back these great songs and tutorials. I had a list of Hendrix songs I wanted to learn at GT so I'm hugely disappointed. I hope that sometime this year or next year GT can somehow renew the license so we can all enjoy these lessons once more. Hendrix song lessons were one of the reasons I actually joined GT so I hope you can understand my utter disappointment.
Could you perhaps provide me with a list of the song lessons removed? Ofcourse I mentioned Little Wing and The Wind Cries Mary, but there were other lessons which I wanted to learn.
# 11
Originally Posted by: SMH99Boooo! Can't you try harder? Ander's Jimi lessons are one of the reasons I stuck with GT for another year.
when jon says he did everything he could,he did..its out of his hands think he is happy about this...suck it up life goes on....
# 12

Originally Posted by: axe2I think he said ALL OF JIMI STUFF IS GONE..WHAT LIST DO YOU NEED...
In each of his posts Jon said the Hendrix [U]songs[/U] are gone; the Hendrix Style Tutorial remains here: . Anders also has some Hendrix style lessons here; .
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
-- Chet Atkins
# 13

Let me join all the others in hoping that you can negotiate your way through this. Perhaps if the affected members write to Experience Hendrix, PO Box 88070, Seattle, Washington 98138-2376, United States and tell them how important this is to us. Jon, do you think they would respond to a large number of polite letters, or some mention of them as the licensing agent or something?
Who I am as a guitarist is defined by my failure to become Jimi Hendrix.
John Mayer
Who I am as a guitarist is defined by my failure to become Jimi Hendrix.
John Mayer
# 14

Originally Posted by: gbowermanLet me join all the others in hoping that you can negotiate your way through this. Perhaps if the affected members write to Experience Hendrix, PO Box 88070, Seattle, Washington 98138-2376, United States and tell them how important this is to us. Jon, do you think they would respond to a large number of polite letters, or some mention of them as the licensing agent or something?
Who I am as a guitarist is defined by my failure to become Jimi Hendrix.
John Mayer
It's time to move on from Jimi, make our own new music. Greedy money mongers don't understand polite. If they did, they'd have done the polite thing and shared Jimi with the world as he wanted it:
"When I die, I want people to play my music, go wild and freak out and do anything they want to do." Jimi
Jimi's music is being held hostage for a ransom. Never negotiate with terrorists! Our best bet is to express our dollar votes and spend nothing on Jimi, make the sacrifice, it's what he would have wanted:
"The time I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. You sacrifice the things you love. I love my guitar."
# 15

Originally Posted by: 91362It's time to move on... the part I agree with.
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
-- Chet Atkins
# 16

Maybe there is hope for Jimi's songs!
Originally Posted by: maggiorI guess they resolved that because they added a Gary Moore song just a couple of weeks ago..."Still got the Blues for you".
There are some insane parts of that solo at the end :).
# 17
I inherited some nice bootleg Jimi Hendrix recordings that I'd trade for something similar, including audio visual recordings.
Does anyone want my email address to discuss?
Does anyone want my email address to discuss?
# 18