I've used a Fender Mustang II V2 for a year and a half now, and it's an amazing amp compared to the price. Great tone, insanely versatile and you can use the thing as an Audio Interface for recording stuff, and even comes with some recording software for making your own Backing tracks or full recordings! Quite possibly one of the best deals out there.
Other great amps I can recommend are the Peavey Vypyr and Roland Cube series amplifiers. Both of those also sound great, but I liked the Mustang's interface better.
"Commit yourself to what you love, and things will happen."
- Mika Vandborg, Electric Guitars, "Follow Your Heart"
Chateau PS-10 Cherry Power-Strat
Epiphone G-400 LTD 1966 Faded Worn Cherry
Epiphone Les Paul 100 Ebony (w/ Oil City Pickups Scrapyard Dog PLUS pickups)
Epiphone ES-345 Cherry
Fender 2014 Standard Stratocaster Sunburst
Martin DX1K Acoustic
Fender Mustang II Amplifier
Jet City Amplification JCA22H Tube-head and JCA12S+ cabinet