Open the My Computer icon on the desktop. Do you see the USB drive listed? If not these are the steps I would take to try to trouble shoot the problem.
Remove the USB from the computer.
Click the icon on the task bar, the one you click on to see what programs are on the computer and choose shutdown, not restart, shutdown. After the computer powers it’s self-off, Power it back up and wait for it to come completely up. Now get to the My Computer icon again and open it up. Now plug the USB drive in, wait…… did you see a new drive appear?
If the computer is not seeing the USB drive, it is either bad or is no longer formatted in a code Windows speaks. The JS10 may write to USB drives in a format that windows will not recognize or maybe there is a choice to use different formats when writing to the USB drive.
What is format?
Windows computers talk to other Windows computer fine. But they do not talk to Apples. Apple computers use a different language\format than Windows, so they don’t talk.
Ask more if needed.