Malformed request. This url can not be resolved. You followed a bad link. Please report this error to webmaster.
GT Angel from Montgomery not working

Tried to open the lesson and this is what I got,
Malformed request. This url can not be resolved. You followed a bad link. Please report this error to webmaster.
Malformed request. This url can not be resolved. You followed a bad link. Please report this error to webmaster.
# 1
Hi Bobk42
Try it again now the full lesson works. I saw the Error message too but now everythings there I guess the posting just was not finished before.
Anyway the Lesson is worth the patience for a short time
I wish you a great day and joy with the Angel
Try it again now the full lesson works. I saw the Error message too but now everythings there I guess the posting just was not finished before.
Anyway the Lesson is worth the patience for a short time
I wish you a great day and joy with the Angel
# 2