A good guitar site

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I have been to justinguitar.com. I also like heartwood guitar.com, he has a number of songs tabbed/chorded out and a good video section on some strumming rhythms so you can follow along.
Hope others post more sites to try!
Hope others post more sites to try!
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Originally Posted by: deerpark1951Try: http://guitarlessonsfastfunandeasy.com/
I discovered this site recently. I love this guy's enthusiasm. But still I like Guitar Tricks the best!
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Jguitar.com.... Thank me later..
Also on ipad i dig following apps...
Jamtracks - good for practicong scales
Chordbank. - great for all chords pbviously, has reverse chord finder.
Scale bank
Shred lite- pretty self explanatory
Guitar reference- chords, scales, keys, reverse ch finder, alt tunings included for scales and rev chord finder... And also has arpeggios..
On my androi phone, also have an app called chord! This app breaks down chords scales harmonies, keys etc, does ot in every tuning or whatever random tuning you prefer, and has an AMAZING reverse chord finder.
Also on ipad i dig following apps...
Jamtracks - good for practicong scales
Chordbank. - great for all chords pbviously, has reverse chord finder.
Scale bank
Shred lite- pretty self explanatory
Guitar reference- chords, scales, keys, reverse ch finder, alt tunings included for scales and rev chord finder... And also has arpeggios..
On my androi phone, also have an app called chord! This app breaks down chords scales harmonies, keys etc, does ot in every tuning or whatever random tuning you prefer, and has an AMAZING reverse chord finder.
# 8

Oh i forgot my new favorite app... Guitar scp... Kinda like guitarist reference and chord app, just doesnt have a chord finder.. I like it for the keys, as i am a 16 yr guitarist whose primary goal today is learning music theory inside and out..
I think best apps i listed are guitar scp for scales, chord bank for chords, chord! For android... And seriously if you dont wnt to spend. Dime, that jguitar.com site doe it ALL for free!!
I think best apps i listed are guitar scp for scales, chord bank for chords, chord! For android... And seriously if you dont wnt to spend. Dime, that jguitar.com site doe it ALL for free!!
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Just so I understand.
On GuitarTricks forum we are posting links for competive guitar sites?
On GuitarTricks forum we are posting links for competive guitar sites?
Guitars: 2014 PRS Santana, 2013 PRS Paul's, 2009 PRS Hollowbody I, 1972 Gibson ES-325, 2012 Fender American Standard Stratocaster, 2020 Fender Telecaster, 2001 PRS Santana SE, 2021 Martin M-36, 2021 Martin 000-15M, Seagull S6 Classic, 2012 Yamaha Pacifica Amps: Fender Blues Junior III, Boss Eband JS-10, Line 6 POD HD500X, Quilter Microblock 45 w/homemade 12" cab.
# 11

There's a difference between 'competitive' and 'competitor', IMO.
I have yet to find other sites that are truly competitive with Guitar Tricks. In my view, no other site offers the range, detail, accuracy, etc., that is found on GT and none surpass GT's teaching method and organization/lesson plans. Talk about 'good value for money!!' That is why I strongly support GT and why I'm a multi-year full access GT member. There are other sites that are competitors but I don't think they are truly competitive. YMMV. :)
But one should always seek multiple sources of information and freely share those sources. Better/deeper understanding of any guitar/music/song subject can be had by supplementing the wealth of training found on GT. My favorite is justinguitar.com which is supported by contributions. It doesn't present the detail GT does, particularly the song lessons, but it has been very helpful and informative for me. To a lessor degree, so are some other sites and YouTube channels.
I think this thread is useful for identifying such sites. I'm hopeful that posting those links will continue. I know that GT has nothing to fear from that.
I have yet to find other sites that are truly competitive with Guitar Tricks. In my view, no other site offers the range, detail, accuracy, etc., that is found on GT and none surpass GT's teaching method and organization/lesson plans. Talk about 'good value for money!!' That is why I strongly support GT and why I'm a multi-year full access GT member. There are other sites that are competitors but I don't think they are truly competitive. YMMV. :)
But one should always seek multiple sources of information and freely share those sources. Better/deeper understanding of any guitar/music/song subject can be had by supplementing the wealth of training found on GT. My favorite is justinguitar.com which is supported by contributions. It doesn't present the detail GT does, particularly the song lessons, but it has been very helpful and informative for me. To a lessor degree, so are some other sites and YouTube channels.
I think this thread is useful for identifying such sites. I'm hopeful that posting those links will continue. I know that GT has nothing to fear from that.
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
-- Chet Atkins
# 12

Checkout Scott Grove's Youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/groovydjs He's hilarious and dispels a lot of myths about guitars. He saved me a lot of time and grief setting up guitars, tuning guitars, picking guitars. He turned me onto Elixir polyweb strings for electric guitar, strings I would not have purchased but for his excellent info on those strings. He's...a bit...out there, foul mouthed, raunchy, but...hilarious. Not for the faint of heart. I found him via ebay. He buys and sells guitars, does demo videos of his guitars. He has some rare, amazing guitars too! A very interesting guitar site.
# 13

Justin Sandercoe's site is well worth a visit.
Other than Guitar Tricks and Justin's site I've not really visited any others as for now, these 2 sites give me all the information and guidance than I need.
I occassionaly get TABs from Ultimate Guitar as well.
Other than Guitar Tricks and Justin's site I've not really visited any others as for now, these 2 sites give me all the information and guidance than I need.
I occassionaly get TABs from Ultimate Guitar as well.
# 14

Originally Posted by: JessUK98Justin Sandercoe's site is well worth a visit.
Other than Guitar Tricks and Justin's site I've not really visited any others as for now, these 2 sites give me all the information and guidance than I need.
I occassionaly get TABs from Ultimate Guitar as well.
+1 See my post #12 and wcarosia's #8 above.
Justin has a great catalog of song lessons. The lessons aren't as detailed as GT's but the song list is a great complement to GT's...
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
-- Chet Atkins
# 15

looking for something new to check out you can try guitaralliance.com. I have spent a lot of time there. But I keep coming back to Guitartricks. This is the best site of its kind. Spend your time here and if you have extra time I highly recommend guitar alliance.
# 16
Originally Posted by: 91362Checkout Scott Grove's Youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/groovydjs He's hilarious and dispels a lot of myths about guitars. He saved me a lot of time and grief setting up guitars, tuning guitars, picking guitars. He turned me onto Elixir polyweb strings for electric guitar, strings I would not have purchased but for his excellent info on those strings. He's...a bit...out there, foul mouthed, raunchy, but...hilarious. Not for the faint of heart. I found him via ebay. He buys and sells guitars, does demo videos of his guitars. He has some rare, amazing guitars too! A very interesting guitar site.
scott groove,is the moron who says,the type of wood you have on your guitar ,doesnt effect your tone. why because ur pickups dont know the difference. thats mr groovey him self.
# 17
if your really want to learn blues. go to ,bluesguitarunleashed.com/griff hamlin is a true blues master.imo
# 18

Originally Posted by: axe2scott groove,is the moron who says,the type of wood you have on your guitar ,doesnt effect your tone. why because ur pickups dont know the difference. thats mr groovey him self.
Did you listen to his whole explanation? He backed it up with cold, hard facts.
# 19

I found this very interesting. I am about to finish paying off a Martin acoustic. The only thing I don't like is his attitude toward cheap labor. No way do I support Cort. I also buy with the rationale that I can sell a Martin or Gibson easier and they go up in value, The whole set up thing is interesting also, Just had an ovation I bought in 88 that has not been out of the closet for the past 10 years set up and it plays nice, however maybe I should start setting my guitars myself. With that said this is very interesting.
Oh I thought the Mexican strats took a bad rap, especially considering the factory is close to the Fender plant in America( according to a guy at Sam Ash)
I am interested in Feedback
Oh I thought the Mexican strats took a bad rap, especially considering the factory is close to the Fender plant in America( according to a guy at Sam Ash)
I am interested in Feedback
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