Originally Posted by: timr1984I am hampered as I suck as a vocalist and of course writing songs helps if you can sing it a little, even if it is only to the person, who you asking to sing the vocal part.[/QUOTE]
After a number of decades on the planet, playing guitar for more decades of that time than not playing, I always thought I could do ok with some small back up vocals but couldn't carry a song. I couldn't sing like all the power vocalists in the world. A couple of years ago I found I could actually sing and kinda decently too.
I just couldn't sing like Robert Plant.
I now am sure that with few exceptions, most people can sing but it is a matter of finding where that voice lies.
I couldn't sing Zeppelin's Immigrant Song but I could sing 'Whippin' Post' or Blackfoot's 'Train, Train'.
Since I don't have any official training, I do have to work on pitch a bit and since I am a guitarist and not a practiced singer, I have to mess with how I phrase things too so I don't sound like that friend we all know that is trying to sing cool but only sound like someone who is trying to sing cool.
If you have a sense of pitch and key on the guitar, a good chance you can sing somehow. Just gotta go find it.
[QUOTE=timr1984]any one else like to write songs?
I have a number of songs I need to get down. I've been busy with real life so much that the songs in my head are staying there. Lucky me, I remember them and develop them there so it's a matter of translating to the instruments/chords/notes and then actually getting them down.