Never Would Of Known.
Holy Crab,i Can Cry My Eyes Out Of My Head.i Just Got A Phone Call ,from The Detective Working My Case,he Just Told Me The Best News Gear Had Been Pawned,he Has All The Pawn Was Pawned By Four Individuals.four Different Of Those Names,belong To My Low Live Piece Of **** Nephew.i Can Not Belief My Own Nephew Would Do This To Me And My Family.but Most Of All God Is Good,iam Getting All Of My Gear Back.everthing .i Feel Like Iam Dreaming,and Gonna Wake Up To Realize It Was A Dream.that Little Punk Is Sitting In County Jail,as There Trying To Gather The God I Dont Know What Else To Say. I Know Its Gonna Take Awhile To Get It Back,but Thats Long As I Do,which I Will.this Is To Good To Be True.i Really Never Thought I Would See My Prs Again.i Feel Like I Dont Belief It Till I See It. I Hope He.sits In Jail For A Long Time,nephew Or Not,the Pain He Inflicted On Me. I Think Ill Go Visit Him.yeah A Visit Would Be Good.
# 1

Awesome man!!!! That is just incredible!!!! Wow.
Sorry to hear it was your nephew - that's rough! How can you do something like this to family?
So is the stuff still in the pawn shops or did they sell the stuff already and now they have to retrieve it from whom they sold it to?
Again - great news for you!
Sorry to hear it was your nephew - that's rough! How can you do something like this to family?
So is the stuff still in the pawn shops or did they sell the stuff already and now they have to retrieve it from whom they sold it to?
Again - great news for you!
# 2

That's awesome Axe!! Great news... deep breaths... be patient, let the detectives do their jobs, but stay on top of it too. There's a silver lining that it was your nephew... at least you know it wasn't some complete stranger walking the neighborhood casing houses. Now you and your wife can feel better about where you live. Let us know when you get the stuff back!
# 3
Thanks,slip,maggior .it hasent been pawned to anyone aside the pawn shop.the thing of it is,they had just pawned it recently.rigjt here in my town,not to smart,but good for me. the owner recognized my prs alittle while after purchase,remember i called every pawn shop describing my not only gear,but my usa,prs .iam thinking he knew it was stolen made purchase,to get all there info and called police.or he realized he had just bought stolen property,,then called police.either way he called,so it payed off for me to notify all pawnshops,iam very grateful to him. Now i dont know how this works,but i do belief i will have to pay the pawnshop,what they payed for it. Iam gonna go down to the PS and speak with the owner,being he was the one who made the transaction.i want to know ,how much was paid for my prs,and the total that was guys have know idea,HOW HAPPY IAM SO EXCITED, MAN IT FEELS SO GOOD.KNOWING I WILL HAVE MY GEAR BACK,AND THESE B@$+@Ā®&$ will be in prison.and just to say,iam sure my step sister will be calling me real ask me if i would drop the charges,i really hope she doesn't,the only words i want to hear is ,iam sorry for what my son did to you and your family.cause i will NEVER DROP ANY CHARGES,HE WILL GET WHAT HE DESERVES.WHO WOULD OF KNOWN,IT WAS A FAMILY MEMBER.AND I HAD SEEN HIM AT MY DADSHOUSE A FEW TIMES,EVEN TOLD HIM WHAT HAD HAPPENED TO ME. UNREAL.ANYWAY,MY BABIES ARE COCOM
# 4
Thanks,slip,maggior .it hasent been pawned to anyone aside the pawn shop.the thing of it is,they had just pawned it recently.rigjt here in my town,not to smart,but good for me. the owner recognized my prs alittle while after purchase,remember i called every pawn shop describing my not only gear,but my usa,prs .iam thinking he knew it was stolen made purchase,to get all there info and called police.or he realized he had just bought stolen property,,then called police.either way he called,so it payed off for me to notify all pawnshops,iam very grateful to him. Now i dont know how this works,but i do belief i will have to pay the pawnshop,what they payed for it. Iam gonna go down to the PS and speak with the owner,being he was the one who made the transaction.i want to know ,how much was paid for my prs,and the total that was guys have know idea,HOW HAPPY IAM SO EXCITED, MAN IT FEELS SO GOOD.KNOWING I WILL HAVE MY GEAR BACK,AND THESE B@$+@Ā®&$ will be in prison.and just to say,iam sure my step sister will be calling me real ask me if i would drop the charges,i really hope she doesn't,the only words i want to hear is ,iam sorry for what my son did to you and your family.cause i will NEVER DROP ANY CHARGES,HE WILL GET WHAT HE DESERVES.WHO WOULD OF KNOWN,IT WAS A FAMILY MEMBER.AND I HAD SEEN HIM AT MY DADSHOUSE A FEW TIMES,EVEN TOLD HIM WHAT HAD HAPPENED TO ME. UNREAL.ANYWAY,MY BABIES ARE COMEIN HOME,SOON ENOUGH THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION.DINNER AT OLIVE GARDEN,.THANKS AGAIN GUYS.
# 5
Now i can get my money back for the Marshall i bought.OH BOY DO I FEEL LIKE I HIT THE LOTTERY.ALITTLE QUOTE FROM JACKIE GLEASON,HOW SWEET IT IS.....
# 6

Too Cool!!!!
It is now evidence so you may have to wait till trials are over, but just knowing it will come home must feel great.
Hope you didn't hurt your new knee jumping for joy........
It is now evidence so you may have to wait till trials are over, but just knowing it will come home must feel great.
Hope you didn't hurt your new knee jumping for joy........
# 7

Hey axe - Just wanted to add my congratulations on the good news ! That's absolutely awesome man !
# 8

Awesome news!! Remember to use a phone book when you go visit your nephew....less bruises lol
# 9
The good news is,they gathered up the other three ppl,and they all pleaded GUILTY,WITH A FULL there will be no trial.which iam grateful for.because it wouldn't of been easy goin through a long lengthy trial,and having to look at my ex nephew,and the others.i honestly think i would of lost it in the court room,seeing these perps.i really wish the owner of the pawn shop would of recognized my Guitar at first glance,and called the cops.cause now ihave to pay back the money that was given to the thiefs.but the PS doesn't make any money he just gets back what he had paid for it. But iam very grateful he did take notice that what he had bought was stolen,and took action.cause it could of been put up for sale,and if anyone would of bought it,that would not be i guess they figured if they waited awhile before pawning,things would be ok,and forgotten gratefully wrong they we' step sister still has yet to call me. Whatever.iam just as happy as anyone could imagine.i really thought i would never see my prs again,as far as all my gear goes,amp is an amp, but my prs Guitar,that i couldn't replace even if i wanted too.they just dont make the color,that color was a one time only limited edition for Sweetwater only. And the last i know is there all gone. The Blue crab fog,which is the name of that color you either love it or hate it. Obviously,i love that color.and you can so tell and feel the difference ,among USA vs Korea made Guitars.the custom 24 is the first Guitar Paul took too namm. Sorry for the babbling talk iam just so excited to know iĀ“ll be playing and having my Guitars back,were they belong.and a big thank you for of you who helped me through troubled water,especially ,slip,maggior.fretsmith,. True pals of mine.
# 10

# 11
Thanks tweety,i appreciate that.being they pleaded GUILTY,WITH A FULL CONFESSION,IAM HOPING,I WILL BE ABLE TO RETRIEVE MY EQUIPMENT THIS WEEK. I DON'T SEE WHY I COULDN'T.NOW THERE WAITING FOR THERE COURT DATE,TO BE SENTENCED.I HOPE ITS A LONG,LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ALL SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY.MY AS FAR AS MY EX NEPHEW GOES,THIS IS HIS FIRST OFFENSE.I DONT HOW MUCH TIME A PERSON WILL RECEIVE,FOR HOME INVASION.BUT IT BETTER BE A LONG A$$ time.cause to be honest here,i am thinking prison will be a much safer place for them to be at. You know accidents happen all the time.that's all iam i can not wait to hold my prs again.i hope my wife doesn't mind sharing our bed with my prs.haha.good to feel good again.
# 12

Buddy hearing you so excited has made my weekend! I wish there was a way to send a big ol' back-slap over the net ! ((ps I do like that blue-crab color thing- I've always been partial to white guitars )) Grats again - keep celebrating!
# 13

Glad to read your getting back your stuff.
God is great.
A theif is a theif, show no mercy, let the courts deal with them and hope they get the full brunt of the law.
God is great.
A theif is a theif, show no mercy, let the courts deal with them and hope they get the full brunt of the law.
# 14
So the time has come.i can go pick up my gear as off now unbeilfable,its been. Along time with no hope.just stocked anout it.i will have my gear back TODAY.......
# 15

Good for you man!!!! Glad this tale has a happy ending. Maybe you should write a song about it!
# 16

Glad you are getting your gear back but WHY, do you have to pay for it?
You are literally making restitution for your nephew who stole money from the pawn shop. Check with an attorney, you should get your equipment back no cost to you and the pawn shop is out (sorry) of it's money but can file against the perps.
Don't make the pawn shop owner happy by giving his money back when he purchased stolen equipment.
You are literally making restitution for your nephew who stole money from the pawn shop. Check with an attorney, you should get your equipment back no cost to you and the pawn shop is out (sorry) of it's money but can file against the perps.
Don't make the pawn shop owner happy by giving his money back when he purchased stolen equipment.
# 17
The pawn shop didnt know they were buyin stolen gear till after the fact.and iam gratefull he did realize it.if not it would of been up for sale,then the cops would of had to track down buyer.and the most ironic thing about this,the thiefs only got $1200,for $6000 in one guitar they took is worth $3000,so he seen they knew nothin about what they were pawing.i couldnt beilf it.he could of made a fourtun.iam just glad to get my stuff back.iam sure i can get my money back from the guilty.i dont have to pay pawn yet,and the judge can order the perps to pay back the pawn soon as my wife comes home ,were goin to pick up my closed.and maggior not a bad idea to right a song about should be an easyone to right.
# 18

Originally Posted by: Mr-MGlad you are getting your gear back but WHY, do you have to pay for it?
You are literally making restitution for your nephew who stole money from the pawn shop. Check with an attorney, you should get your equipment back no cost to you and the pawn shop is out (sorry) of it's money but can file against the perps.
Don't make the pawn shop owner happy by giving his money back when he purchased stolen equipment.
Great news Axe! Mr. M, I initially thought the same as you, but did some research on line, and in most states the law requires that you pay back the pawn shop in order to get your property back. Doesn't seem fair, but that is the law, so I think Axe is wise to just pay the money, then seek restitution from the perps, which, as he has said, shouldn't be much of a problem.
# 19

Even with a law that prevents the police from returning the property to the rightful owner, the owner can file a petition to the court to determine the owner. Most cases the Pawn shop loses or gives up the equipment because they have to defend that they UNKNOWINGLY purchased stolen items.
If Axe buys it back and moves on outstanding! For me, I would fight for my equipment and NEVER forget about my nephew especially when he gets set free.
If Axe buys it back and moves on outstanding! For me, I would fight for my equipment and NEVER forget about my nephew especially when he gets set free.
# 20