F Major Chord

Anyone give me any tips as really struggling with getting fingers to shape without hitting B E strings!!
# 1

hi Chris..
Welcome to Guitar Trick..
You just found the hard one for most everyone.
There are a few different ways to attack it.
Some like to start with your index on B & E..
strum and check if they sound clearly..
then add your middle finger on G, strum and see if they ring clear..
add your ring and try again.
go through this several time which build muscle memory.
You may have to fine tune your finger placement minutely..
It also gets easier as your finger tips get harder.
Some like to try it as a BAR Chord.. index fingering across the whole neck. then you may still have to roll or curl your index finger to get it to sound clearly..
I would work with both way. You will need both in your guitar venture.
It all a matter of practice.
Welcome to Guitar Trick..
You just found the hard one for most everyone.
There are a few different ways to attack it.
Some like to start with your index on B & E..
strum and check if they sound clearly..
then add your middle finger on G, strum and see if they ring clear..
add your ring and try again.
go through this several time which build muscle memory.
You may have to fine tune your finger placement minutely..
It also gets easier as your finger tips get harder.
Some like to try it as a BAR Chord.. index fingering across the whole neck. then you may still have to roll or curl your index finger to get it to sound clearly..
I would work with both way. You will need both in your guitar venture.
It all a matter of practice.
# 2

Thanks for the tips. I've also noticed while doing some searches that some people mention using Fmaj 7 as an alternative
Would this work till I get F major sorted ?
Would this work till I get F major sorted ?
# 3

Originally Posted by: chrisjonesuk70Anyone give me any tips as really struggling with getting fingers to shape without hitting B E strings!!
I have trouble with this too but think I have found a viable fingering that is easier...at least it works for me. I use my index finger to bar the b&e strings, ring finger on g, and pinky on d. I use my index finger to assist the index in barring b&e. I find it easy to move to other chords from this position.
# 4
Chris, the F Barre chord is the most posted about, griped about topic there is from newbies. If you do a search you will probably get about 5700 posts. It just takes time. I know because I just about gave up because of it.
It takes time. It will come. You have to develop the finger strength to be able to form the barre.
A year ago I didn't think I'd ever be able to do it. Now I can form the F barre chord easily. The other thing to remember is that those barre chords at the first fret are about the hardest there are to do. Move up to the 5th fret and form the A chord and you will most likely find it a lot easier.
I don't know that I would try substituting the F7. That's a different chord. Besides, while I can now do the F major with out much difficulty I find the F7 harder and still struggle with it some!
It takes time. It will come. You have to develop the finger strength to be able to form the barre.
A year ago I didn't think I'd ever be able to do it. Now I can form the F barre chord easily. The other thing to remember is that those barre chords at the first fret are about the hardest there are to do. Move up to the 5th fret and form the A chord and you will most likely find it a lot easier.
I don't know that I would try substituting the F7. That's a different chord. Besides, while I can now do the F major with out much difficulty I find the F7 harder and still struggle with it some!
Guitars: 2014 PRS Santana, 2013 PRS Paul's, 2009 PRS Hollowbody I, 1972 Gibson ES-325, 2012 Fender American Standard Stratocaster, 2020 Fender Telecaster, 2001 PRS Santana SE, 2021 Martin M-36, 2021 Martin 000-15M, Seagull S6 Classic, 2012 Yamaha Pacifica Amps: Fender Blues Junior III, Boss Eband JS-10, Line 6 POD HD500X, Quilter Microblock 45 w/homemade 12" cab.
# 5

You could try this "version" of an F chord:
I've suggested the finger placement. The only really tricky bit is covering the B and high E with your first finger. Mute the low E string. Another option is to leave the high E string open:
Chord Finder says its an Fmaj 7 chord... sounds nice!
E ||-1-|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
B ||-1-|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
G ||---|-2-|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
D ||---|---|-4-|---|---|---|---|---|---|
A ||---|---|-3-|---|---|---|---|---|---|
x ||---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
I've suggested the finger placement. The only really tricky bit is covering the B and high E with your first finger. Mute the low E string. Another option is to leave the high E string open:
E ||---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
B ||-1-|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
G ||---|-2-|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
D ||---|---|-4-|---|---|---|---|---|---|
A ||---|---|-3-|---|---|---|---|---|---|
x ||---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
Chord Finder says its an Fmaj 7 chord... sounds nice!
# 6

The fingering for the Fmaj7 would work, but you can only strum the strings that you are fingering. If you look at it, the 3 notes make up the triad for an F major chord (F, A, and C). If you want to strum the high e string too, you need to fret it for an F note.
The x's over the strings in the diagram you found indicate you don't strike those strings. It's an Fmaj7 *shape*, but it's an F chord if you only strike those strings.
One way to look at this chord is compare it to an open C. From the C, you bring your ring and middle fingers over a string and now take your index finger and lay it down over the B and E strings. As it turns out, C to F to C is a popular chord change.
So, if you can to a C chord well, you can apply that here.
Just keep trying different things that work for you and you'll get it. Time and patience!
The x's over the strings in the diagram you found indicate you don't strike those strings. It's an Fmaj7 *shape*, but it's an F chord if you only strike those strings.
One way to look at this chord is compare it to an open C. From the C, you bring your ring and middle fingers over a string and now take your index finger and lay it down over the B and E strings. As it turns out, C to F to C is a popular chord change.
So, if you can to a C chord well, you can apply that here.
Just keep trying different things that work for you and you'll get it. Time and patience!
# 7

Originally Posted by: Slipin LizardChord Finder says its an Fmaj 7 chord... sounds nice!
For some reason, I've always loved the sound of that chord. Switch from that to a Cmaj7...sounds nice too.
# 8

I make an F just like Slipin shows in his first "version". Maybe try this, make an open E chord using you 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers. Once you can make a clean E, slide all you fingers up one fret and get your first finger to cover the a and b stings. It may help if you move the angle your hand is to the neck, move enough your elbow is moving. Clip your nails short they get in the way. Learn it right, it's worth fighting for.
# 9

# 10

Just to say thanks for all the replies. Will try all options until I eventually nail that F Major. This is why I find Guitar Tricks so great, not only the lessons and song library,but the great responses and support from the forum. Once again Thanks
# 11

# 12

Originally Posted by: DouglasPHillI think it will take me a year to do an F major.
It may seem that way now, but if you keep at it you *WILL* get it. You won't get it in a week, but it won't take a year :-). Certainly don't let it block you from working on other things, but keep it in your practice routine.
# 13