View post (Official! We have 500 songs!!!)
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Hey Jon! Congratulations on the 500 - a fantastic achievement. But I'm wondering if the format of the 'Song Request Forum' is actually the best way to add the next 500 (!). Every day there is at least one nomination for a new song, and it's impossible to tell (from the number of 'views' etc) how much support there is amongst all the members for that particular song. The chances of any one song suggestion achieving lesson status are very small, and it must be a nightmare for you guys at GT to know which of the many ideas to pursue. Wouldn't it be better for you to conduct an email survey of all full access members once a year, asking for (say) members' top three picks? At least then you could gauge levels of support more systematically amongst the GT community. Anyway, this isn't a criticism, just an idea (maybe a stupid one?), from a big GT fan. Yours, Steve