Favorite Technique

Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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05/16/2002 11:23 am
Wich is yours favorite technique?
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 1

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05/16/2002 7:09 pm

I love arpeggio for rhytmn.

As far as lead guitar goes, not a fan of sweep picking. I like more feeling, it's hard to find a guitarist that can sweep with emotion. If it's possible at all...
# 2
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05/16/2002 9:02 pm
I know this sounds really borin, but I love bending notes. I do it all the time, a little too much some times. But it seems to squeeze more emotion out when you bend a note and hold it for a few seconds. I love it.
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# 3
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05/17/2002 5:05 am
Alternate pick with muted strings, thanks Al di meola!!

By the way, Benoit, are you the new Guitar tricks host? Congrats dude!!
# 4
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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05/17/2002 11:58 am
Yeah alternate picking rocks. I like it a lot and I usualy try to play as little as possible with legato cause for me it´s a cheat tecnique. I like sweeping too and 3 notes per string are my favorite scales as well as chromatic and of course penta-scales.

Another thing that I started using latley is string skipping a la Paul Gilbert. It sound awsome and I´m still exploring skip-licks.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 5

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05/17/2002 12:31 pm

Yes, got the news from Jon B. this week.

I'm now building my 8 tricks necessary to get my page up.

I'll be concentrating on fingerpicking and acoustic and I'm really looking forward to this.

BTW Lalimace, I have a favor to ask. I've been working on a tutorial on modes. I could really use someone as experienced as you to revise it. Just to be sure I ain't missing something. It should be a good starting point for people who want to learn about them.

Since you were the one who introduced me to them, and that you are a teacher, and moderator (is that enough to convince you..), I could use your feedbacks.

E-mail me if you're interested.

# 6
Big as Elvis, Baby
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Big as Elvis, Baby
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05/17/2002 1:07 pm
Hey Deyjan, if you can, check out Ritchie Kotzen's for some Legato licks, you might change your mind about them, I saw a video he did, where he uses legato, tapping& sliding in some sweep type licks, and some other legato licks that were real cool, can't remember the title of the video, I'll have to search the net for it.......
# 7
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05/17/2002 6:39 pm
There is emotion in sweep picking,but not overusing it like Gambale.Adrian Vandenburg demonstrated how a slow sweep,can generate a lot of excitement in the solo for,"Here I go Again" on Whitesnake's Self Titled '87 release.And No ,that wasn't John Sykes,he played every other solo on that release.Stevie Ray Vaughn and David Gilmour have used sweeps very effectively,though most will contend they are more of a "Raking Technique".Still,they are arpeggios.I agree with the above on picking,between 85-89,all I did was use Alternate picking.Then I saw Kotzen,and my opinions changed.I started incorparating his legato phrasing immediately,and have been for the last 14 years.But I still use both affectively,depends on the genre your playing in and feel of the song.
String skipping I"ve used forever,but I'd like to point out,just don't use the technique to jump blindly across the fretboard so people will say"Hey,he's String Skipping",the technique works great slow,also if you add a tap along the string skips,going acrsos the fretboard in octaves,6 string,4th and 2nd and so on,covers alot of distance and is great melodically as well as becoming more familiar with different positions and starting points for the same scale in other octaves.Remember,if your only playing these various techniques at half the speed of the great ones,you are still playing better then most punk bands,lol.I'm not slammin punk or ska ,but,hopefully,you get my jist.

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-Eddie Izzard-
# 8
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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05/17/2002 7:06 pm
I must check out that legato guy, and I know that there´s lot of cool stuff you can do with legato because I listen a lot on Satriani and he uses it frequently and he is good. I think that Dimebag Darell is another magnificent legato user. But they are really diffucult because of all those finger streches. But my main influences comes from Petrucci, Gilbert and Malmsteen and they don´t use it so much. Mostly they let the pick do the bussiness.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 9
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05/17/2002 7:35 pm
I felt the same way about those stretches back in the day,then I realized,if I"m going to be playing these phrases at 800 notes per miute,it doesnt matter if I sacrifice a note or 2 just to stay in the confines of a scale,when the point is trying to achieve a smooth,flowing sound.I have small hands,compared to Kotzen,if you see his video,you'll learn about the physical limitations.If there are runs that call for fingerings on the 3rd,5th and 7th fret,I'll "cheat and just do the patterns 4,5 and 7.The important issue is the speed factor.Plus in the process of the self tinkering,I realized if I'm going to hit those other notes,I can just shift my entire hand posistion,and I the process,for appearences,it looks like,to other people,that I'm mving more rapidly because of the shifting.I don't mind.I play the notes my way,thats the important thing.Try it.

Ummmmmmm,Cake Please,,Oh,It's Very Nice.
-Eddie Izzard-
# 10
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05/17/2002 7:46 pm
here's a cool wide stretch legato run... I only rested 3 days after playing it...

# 11

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