Originally Posted by: maggiorGood deal. You are on your way!!!
Just to be clear - suggesting the book isn't a dig on GuitarTricks. Everybody is different, but when learning something like scale shapes and fretboard note locations, I need to be fed the material in very small bites and along with written exercises to pound it into my brain. Just listening and reading about the material isn't enough. The same holds true for learning to read music. For me anyway...though I suspect others are in the same boat.
I love guitartricks and the instructors here are awesome, but sometimes it's helpful to suplement the material here with other resources.
Not taken that way at all.
I am ready to sign up here for the next year and beyond, just because of the excellent instructors and songs!
I am just like you slow and steady. Since I learned how to play from books and tabs, I figured having this book to supplement my lessons here would be a big help.
Thanks again
Main Gear: Gibson SG, Gibson Les Paul Sig T, Martin Acoustic, Mesa 5:25+, Orange OR15, Carl Martin Quattro