Its a great idea. I'd suggest you come up with one, then just create a new thread in the listening post. I wouldn't worry about TAB so much.... that can be tricky. Instead, just a video would work well. I'd follow this format:
-show the lick, being used, in context (with a backing track) at full speed.
-play the lick on its own, full speed (with a metronome).
-play the lick on its own, half speed. (with a metronome).
-break it down (explain it, play it even slower if needed, go over any tricky bits).
-finish off by playing the lick twice through at half speed with a metronome, then twice again at full speed. The idea here is, the listener has got the mechanics of the lick down, now they are ready to try it at half speed. When they have that down, they can practice on their own until they are ready to try it full speed.