Theme Songs

One of these fellows, herberbo, brought up a good topic, theme songs. Do any of you play theme songs at shows? I am organizing another band and this is one of the possible avenues to take. If any of you are interested, name some of your favorite movie/tv themes.
# 1
Ahhh the classic yet easy Halloween theme, you have the Pink Panther theme one of my favs, the Simpsons theme is a good one but really friggin short, the X men theme is pretty long and it's fun to play. Man I could go on all night about theme's i love them! One of my qoutes is "I'm the king of useless themes" (inside secret their not useless you can show off a lot with a theme)
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 2

Whenever we're between songs I'll bust out with some Super Mario Bros. There's a link to the website somewhere in the Forum. They got a lot of videogame stuff. It'll always appeal to the younger audiences...
Whenever we're between songs I'll bust out with some Super Mario Bros. There's a link to the website somewhere in the Forum. They got a lot of videogame stuff. It'll always appeal to the younger audiences...
# 3
Some excellent tunes to play all rocked up are stuff like Blade Runner, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, GoldenEye from the N64 game, the theme from the movie Twister, stuff from the second Super Mario Brothers game, Hawaii 5-0, Third Rock from the Sun, the Thunderbirds theme is totally awesome.
I'd love to do the Simpsons theme too but holy crap those runs are fast.
I'd love to do the Simpsons theme too but holy crap those runs are fast.
# 4

Hey you can find lots of nintendo theme songs on mine and Johan Lindgren's nes tab site. If you learn some of them, you'll be the coolest guy in your town, that's for sure.
# 5
as long as your town isn't Arboga, Sweden!!!
# 6

No not in Arboga... I believe that there are
two people there who played a concert in the hall in the school 1 year ago.
they ripped off Super mario bros, ice climber, castlevania, Zelda, Punch out and Tetris..
the response was fenomenal!
two people there who played a concert in the hall in the school 1 year ago.
they ripped off Super mario bros, ice climber, castlevania, Zelda, Punch out and Tetris..
the response was fenomenal!
# 7

# 9

Originally Posted by:
Irrelevant on a guitar forum.
Reported two and a half hours ago.
Admin has been super busy this Monday. They took care of the tidal wave from Asia, soon they'll erase the other crud.
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
-- Chet Atkins
# 10