For What It's Worth
oya como va
When it gets to the 2 chord rhythm I can not figure that D chord with my 2nd, 3rd, 4th fingers on the 7th fret. When you go to, the tab it shows the 7th fret barred which is the only way I can play that chord in that position. My fingers are too big to fit, How ever most times you can not hear the A on the 5th string. It can be done but its tricky. Maybe you have a suggestion, or just play that barred at the 7th and keep the first finger on the 5th fret . other then this the lesson is pretty straight forward, I just wish my fingers were not fat. Great lesson
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Hi there, sorry for the late response to your question!
Yes, that is indeed a tricky voicing of the D chord and you are in good company of people who can't quite get the high A to sound consistently. Some folks have a flexible enough ring finger to bar the 2, 3 and 4th string and still sound the first but not many!
I would recommend either not worrying about the high A; it's not critical! Or, if you really want to hear that note you can also move the voicing up to the 10th fret and play the D like so;
5th string 12 fret (optional)
4th string 12 fret
3rd string 11 fret
2nd string 10 fret (here's your high A)
This involves more moving around the neck of course, but if this is to your liking you could also re-voice the A minor as follows:
5th string 12 fret
4th string 10 fret
3rd string 9 fret
Try it all out, good luck and have fun!! :)
Cheers, Tom
Yes, that is indeed a tricky voicing of the D chord and you are in good company of people who can't quite get the high A to sound consistently. Some folks have a flexible enough ring finger to bar the 2, 3 and 4th string and still sound the first but not many!
I would recommend either not worrying about the high A; it's not critical! Or, if you really want to hear that note you can also move the voicing up to the 10th fret and play the D like so;
5th string 12 fret (optional)
4th string 12 fret
3rd string 11 fret
2nd string 10 fret (here's your high A)
This involves more moving around the neck of course, but if this is to your liking you could also re-voice the A minor as follows:
5th string 12 fret
4th string 10 fret
3rd string 9 fret
Try it all out, good luck and have fun!! :)
Cheers, Tom
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