video taping yourself

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Joined: 07/30/12
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Joined: 07/30/12
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08/25/2013 1:30 am
I was going over some exercises and I took the advice of a teacher on here and video myself to see what I was doing and found out I was not hitting the chords correctly When I was just playing I thought it sounded good. But when you tape yourself you really find out what your mistakes are. How for you really have to go before playing songs correctly.

Just wanted to bring that out to others.

thank you for a great learning experience on taping yourself.

very please to have joined up for Guitar Tricks.
# 1
Registered User
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Registered User
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08/25/2013 3:13 pm
I started taping myself as well. It works great to figure what I did wrong and right. Also, I put some on You Tube as a way to show new people I want to jam with where I'm at.
# 2
Ben Lindholm
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 02/02/02
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Ben Lindholm
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 02/02/02
Posts: 980
08/25/2013 7:14 pm
Yes, recording/filming yourself can be a really useful eye-opener for any player. Sometimes you may even be surprised in the other direction - that you sound much better than you thought!
# 3

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