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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,467
07/26/2013 9:53 pm
Originally Posted by: Svanholm
I was waiting for you to say, PRACTICE!! :P
It wasn't a very long wait, was it? :p
Do you mean that you can play the E panatronic scale on more than one place?
That I dont really get.

Yes. The E minor pentatonic scale has 5 notes.

E (root or 1st)
G (minor 3rd)
A (4th)
B (5th)
D (minor 7th)

Any place on the guitar you can find those notes, you are playing the E minor pentatonic scale. Any given pentatonic scale forms five "box shapes" that interlock across & cover the entire fretboard.

These tutorials are about locating the pentatonic scale across the entire fretboard.

And ask all you want! That's what the forum is for. :)
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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