Your most inexpensive piece of euipment: What kind of pick do you use?

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05/30/2013 6:58 pm
As a beginner, when I purchased my guitar I also got a few picks. Since I didn't really know where I was going with this I just grabbed some medium weight ones which seem okay but not perfect. So I am throwing the question out to all you guitarists. What kind of picks do you use and why?
# 1
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05/31/2013 12:43 am
I use Dunlop tortex 1mm. I like the attack thick pick gives and also I dont like the pick to bend while I play. That way I rely more on my wrist and fingers to change the dynamics of the picking. I got that from Brian May who plays with a penny for that same reason.
# 2
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05/31/2013 1:14 pm
I use Dunlop Tortex picks. They are durable and I like the smooth yet grippy feel of them. I've never had one errantly fly out of my hand like the tortis shell types.

As far as thickness goes, I've been using the yellow ones (.73 mm medium) for years. Recently I switched to the green ones (a step up in thickness at .88 mm). I'm even thinking of moving up another couple of steps in thickness to the purple ones (1.14 mm).

As a beginner, I perferred thinner picks. I think it was because they were more forgiving when strumming. As I moved more into lead playing and as my strumming technique improved, I started perferring stiffer picks. The stiffer picks give you a stronger attack.

Picks are cheap. I suggest you get a variety pack and try different ones out.
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05/31/2013 2:50 pm
I mostly use cheap, mass-produced PVC-picks, but lately, I've started using some slightly less cheap Celluloid picks that doesn't have a slip-prevention grid on the sides. As for thickness, I use a 0.51mm PVC-pick with my Martin Acoustic Guitar, because it sounds best in my ears, and a 0.71-0.88mm PVC or Celluloid pick on my two electric ones.
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05/31/2013 4:28 pm
Don't use picks that often anymore but when I do, I use the yellow Dunlop Tortex's.
# 5
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05/31/2013 4:37 pm
Thanks for the input guys! I have tried a penny as a pick and found I really like the round shape since it slides off the strings so easily. I started using the round corners of my picks rather than the pointed one.
# 6
Slipin Lizard
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05/31/2013 9:31 pm
Put me down for the Yellow Dunlop Torex's also. Man, that seems to be a popular pick. I used a thinner pick for a long time, but found when I started practicing seriously and trying to get things like pinch harmonics, that I need a something thicker... I just tried a whole bunch, including those cool-looking lexan pics. In regards Sebastberg's post, that's pretty much spot on for my rationale as well. One thing I noticed with really thick picks is that they tend to produce a lot of string noise (this is probably also due to how I hold the pick). I settled on the Yellow ones.. just a tiny bit of flex which I like, but comfortable, rigid feeling and minimal string noise.

Just go get a bunch of different sizes and thicknesses, put them in a little bowl where you practice. in a month, the ones you can't find are the right ones for you (hint... check the lint catcher in your dryer).
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06/01/2013 1:06 pm
I am finger picking a lot these days. If I am more acoustic strumming, I use the green Dunlop Tortex pics (...hey, back when I started, I used the yellows...when they were supposed to be actual turtle...thus the image..). Otherwise, I use Dunlop Jazz III's. It's a remnant from the 'shredder' days. Still, I am very comfortable with a stiff pic. I just learned innately (somehow) how to vary grip pressure.
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06/01/2013 6:14 pm
Originally Posted by: Slipin Lizard(hint... check the lint catcher in your dryer).

Damn right !
I have found myself sometimes out of picks and going :" What the ****, I had some right there !" and then going to the dryer or washing machine and finding 3 or 4 picks there hahaha.
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06/02/2013 1:36 pm
Originally Posted by: SebastBergDamn right !
I have found myself sometimes out of picks and going :" What the ****, I had some right there !" and then going to the dryer or washing machine and finding 3 or 4 picks there hahaha.

Years ago, we joked when someone says they're a guitar player, the true test was 'empty out your pockets and see what's in there'
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06/02/2013 6:59 pm
Black Tortex Jazz III's
Green Dunlop tortex (mediums)
# 11
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06/03/2013 3:09 am
Originally Posted by: hunter1801Black Tortex Jazz III's
Green Dunlop tortex (mediums)

I started with blacks in the 80's but moved to red. Not sure why but something about them.
# 12
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06/04/2013 12:51 pm
Once upon a time in college, I got so frustrated about losing my picks (when I actually used them) that I bought two dozen picks and just threw them all over my dorm room... So, whenever I would lose one and I would start looking, I would find one.

This is probably ultimately why adapted more of a finger/hybrid picking style... I don't rage when I can't find a pick anymore and I haven't bought any for a few years. Still have an unopened bag of Yellow Tortex's in my case.
# 13
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06/12/2013 12:16 am
I use 2 different Mel Bay picks, the light blue they stopped selling back in about 1975 or 76. So I went in haves on a box of 400 picks. Thinking this should be a life time’s worth. Then one day I went to get a new pick to find I only had 7 left. Now I’m down to 4 and decided I better start looking for another pick to use. After searching local stores for anything close to what I want, I went on EBay and searched for Mel Bay picks and found the green “Light” pick. Bought one order of 12 picks, used them and like them better for some things than my good old blue “Thin” pick. So I got 3 more packs of 12 for a total of 48 and have stashed some in the guitar cases and other places in the house. I’ve never used the small front tip, rather it points at my palm and I use the rounder larger corner to strum or pluck the strings.
# 14
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06/12/2013 2:57 am
Jazz III Red - electric guitar
Tortex .60 - acoustic guitar

Tortex 1mm blue - Bass

The Jazz pick are strange at first because they are so small but they are so easy to control! :D
# 15
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06/29/2013 5:20 am
I use dunlap jazz 3 picks. the smaller ones. red or black, use them both. use them cuz they are thick and have a hard attack. i play mostly death metal so i love that sharp point and thickness for a fast heavy attack. use the small one cuz that's what my music store carries lol.
# 16
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07/01/2013 4:16 am
I have a lot of picks. I have a bunch of friends that play guitar and bass, we all buy picks by the dozen so we hand out one to all the guys and keep the rest. This way I have my best bro's pick when they stop by and I have picks to play with. You need more than 1 as they all sound and feel dif. I like Cool picks for strumming cuz of the rubber grips and little stubbys for lead work.
# 17

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