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Elliott Jeffries
Registered User
Joined: 04/18/13
Posts: 44
Elliott Jeffries
Registered User
Joined: 04/18/13
Posts: 44
05/22/2013 1:18 pm
Don't kill yourself trying to live up to something you might not be able to. But then also strive for your dreams or goals. Part of the journey is finding where you fit in the grand scheme of things. Running up against walls is what you want even though it may seem pointless if you fail more than once. Every once in awhile those walls can be scaled. Sweep picking is something that seemed impossible for me and now I can do it. It just takes consistent use of your energy. Don't try to do anything in one day but it's OK to try to do it in one day. In other words, have urgency when you're inspired and relax if it takes longer than you hoped. Pace yourself and don't forget those around you.