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Slipin Lizard
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Joined: 11/15/07
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Slipin Lizard
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Joined: 11/15/07
Posts: 711
05/29/2013 7:06 am
Originally Posted by: TravisWright
It's like when the science world really revealed that MJ actually does 'hang time' and that although you can teach pro athletes to hang, it's better if they just do it. Strengths and weaknesses.

Just so you know, the exact opposite is true... search on-line & YouTube and you'll see they thoroughly debunked "hanging time"... its just the way they control their upper-body that makes them seem to "hang"; in reality, ALL humans jump in a arc... you're either on the way up, or on the way down. Simple physics. Probably a good metaphor for the music business too!