Now, let's be honest:
Someone puts an ad in a paper, "selling '63 fender strat. 500 dollars" and you contact the guy, he tells you it's his father's inheritance, that he doesn't give a poop about guitars, or music in general, that the guitar has been gathering dust in a corner for some months, and that he'd rather have some cash than just a useless plank with wires on it, and that if you want to see it, you better be quick, this afternoon at your local shop.
You see the guy, he let's the guitar out of the case (that's vintage too) you can't believe it, it's all stock!! You plug it in... Dang, you've been looking for this sound for years!! You ask the guy for the price... 500 bucks, cash... You give it to him, just thinking the guy is a poor chap that really knows nothing to music and instrument. You go back home with your piece of history, already thinking about how you're gonna rave to your friends and family about your latest acquisition...
Some weeks later, you see in 'guitar world' that some famous guy (that you don't listen to) has been robbed of some of his guitars, that were backstage in a concert near your hometown... There's a list of the guitars: a '59 Les Paul gold top, a telecaster Albert Collins model, and the '63 strat that matches exactly the one you have bought for 500 bucks...
Now, let's be honest people, who would turn the guitar in?? Don't try to tell me how it's a shame, that OF COURSE, without hesitation, you'll turn it in... Tell me how you'd react...