I hope you'll be able to answer those questions about nostril tapping and stuff I haven't experimentes yet!
Welcome James!!

# 1

Hey James, i notice you moved yourself out of Bands and Artists, good luck in your new post. As for me, well, I've taken more of a slow meglomaniacal route...
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 2

So many new mods and so few problems to burden them with..
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 3
Wow, this is awesome! Thanks for the new appointment Jon... I'm looking forward to this new position, and looking forward to working with lal. And don't worry lal, you're still King Shredder around here!
# 4

Yeahhhhhhh, I can't play the blues, so I play fast enough so people don't see I keep playing the same licks, that's my secret!!! :D
# 5