New amp

Fender 5156
Full Access
Joined: 05/24/11
Posts: 10
Fender 5156
Full Access
Joined: 05/24/11
Posts: 10
01/23/2013 3:24 am
I am looking for a new amp. I have found 4 that I think sound good. Fender super champ x2, Fender excelsior, vox vt80 or a Bugera v22. The Excelsior and the Bugera don't have all the effects the other 2 have and I would have to buy something else for them.The super champ has a smaller speaker than the others. I just play at home. Will it matter that much. What should I buy ? Other suggetions are also welcome.
# 1
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Joined: 03/02/09
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Joined: 03/02/09
Posts: 1,562
01/23/2013 11:59 am
I have the Vibro Champ XD, little brother of the Super Champ XD. It's an awesome little amp and I would never sell it. Can't speak for the other choices you have, but I think you'd be well off with the SCXD. I've played the SCXDs, and might add one to the collection yet. They are great amps. ever since then, I always hang on to the buckle.
# 2

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