if you love this nation....

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12/28/2012 7:32 pm
Hi everyone! In 32 yrs of writing full time, working upon one invention after another, and with no one but no one assisting this genius artist, I am relocating to China. I am in contact with the Chinese embassy and they are in process of granting me full citizenship. In exchange for their assistance, their gov. run medias shall advertise my four novels which publishes numerus inventions and 100's of music compositions whereof said first novel is informing the readers how, within the remaining books, major inventions are going to be published thereof means to protect the interest of the chinese gov. and inventions thereof from big greedy american corporations. The chinese gov/media is going to inform their people how a portion of the profits derived from these novels shall be used to reinvest towards smaller size inventions whereof profits from said smaller size inventions shall be used to re-invest in medium size inventions and so on and so on, up until such time as the chinese gov. is able to build, in secrecy, a revolutionary and ultimate spacecraft and propulsion system. Once the spacecraft is ready for launch it shall begin a process of mining helium three from lunar's regolith, mine all type of asteroids, colonize our solar system and even terra form most planets and moons within our solar system. In other words, china gov is going to advertise my novels on their state run news.
People, read 'Mining The Sky' by John C. Lewis, a professor/scientist at Arizona university. Such an invention as this spacecraft and propulsion system creates a trillion to the 12th power dollar industry. The spacecraft and propulsion system is based purely on laws of physics and logic. It comes with a tested and proven shield system means to protect from radiation, collisions and atmospheric heat, etc.

I am, within these books, lambasting capitalism for what it is. Our corporations and both political parties have become so corrupted, along with the american people I am, as is prophesied, within several catholic apparitions, going to bankrupt USA and in process make china a world's sole economic super power. USA shall become a third world power. In this process of lambasting our corrupt gov. I am also going to create a revolution. How do you people feel knowing how I literally wrote 1000's of business letters past said 32 yrs asking our gov., our medias, our universities our big corporations, our rich investors, our Venture capitalists, and even you, the small people for assistance whereof I had guaranteed how I would pay off our nation's entire debt only to encounter resistance every step of the way. I am sorry you people feel so damn envious that you refused to do simple things such as sign petitions or email my/your senators to apply political pressure so they'd do something. Your gov does not want you to prosper. They are purposely keeping you down. Do you know that envy is one of the worse sins there is? It creates extremism e.g., because of the people's envy, I am going to china and destroy USA all by myself. Did you know our corrupt senators pass laws making it legal for me to give to foreign powers my intellectual properties? This fact shall also be used as a propaganda coup for the chinese to use against this nation. Other inventions I am givng to the chinese is, a city size submersible that can last indefinately aginst corrosion, can be built super strong and quick, economically, can farm, mine ecologically sound, is 100% green with all the other inventions used therein, can prevent species form going extinct, pay for themsleves dozens and dozens of times over and can be used to clean up our oceans and even submerge deeper than any other submersibles in world bIG TIME!

Another invention is a flying saucer which shall operate and function as claimed (did you know its a published and proven fact how some inventors do not need prototypes to ascertain rather or not their creations work prior to their being tested?) and it is means to render all other military aircrafts/jets in world harmless.
I have an ornithopter invention for man to fly MANUALLY using a recumbent, crank pedaling action. It is a combo, fuselage, hydraulic system, turbine, vacuum system and it uses buoyancy as a means to displace fluids and in process of said reducing the weight thereof create a huge power supply consisting of stored energy that's recycled. The wings morph and torque, breast stroke, flapp, flutter, swing and fold, and can even spin; spin a feather in your hand and feel the lift. This is a safety feature for landing like birds e.g., more at a vertical descent. Frictional heat is used for lift beneath wings and fusleage. etc., etc....
If you people do not want that which I am about to do then start writing oregon's senator and ask them why they refuse to apply political pressure on boeing to market this spacecraft so that we, as a nation, can be placed in the black instead of this assinine 15 trillion dollar red. You have about two weeks before i go back to washington d.c and board a chinese aircraft with my ten large tote boxes worth of music, novels and inventions. And it would be nice if a team of you people would assist me in doing demos, doing a website for a brilliant market plan which markets these novels, music and inventions so I can open up a world's largest charity org... I shall offer such a team written legal binding contracts. We can all prosper! First come first serve. I want a team of about a dozen people who wants to communicate/ work via emails
Email senator wyden and remind him how i am keeping enough money to place him on streets homeless for rest of his life. I am going to buy neighboring houses next door to him and give said homes away free to bloods and crips. I have told him this and usa gov is afraid of me to extent they don't have me arrested. They don't want me getting publicity.They are so corrupt they still refuse to do anything to help you, the people, in spite of my threats. They know I am not some crackpot too!-dont be afraid, do something. I am also doing this to S. Merkely. I am a republican or was and we are suppose to help others to prosper. Republican party is corrupt whereas I am not. I am willing to help you only if you are willing to help yourselves. Email Senator walden. Tell him this is his final chance to help us or else face this nation's demise. Email fox news, they are hypocrites. Glenn Beck stated, "help the little man just a little bit and watch him prosper and create jobs." Fox news is so hypocritical its pathetic. Email them and ask why they refuse. Email Times and ask them for help and if they help I shall lambaste fox for who they are.
Ball is in your court people, do something or else!!! [email]deltedison@yahoo.com[/email]
# 1
john of MT
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john of MT
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12/29/2012 1:34 am
Best of luck with your music and guitar.
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 2
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12/30/2012 6:01 am
I was an Aircraft Mechanic for 20 years in the Navy,I hurt my back and can't work anymore.

Your invention sounds interesting.

Go for it Bro'!

The greed of the politicians and bankers ,etc. are killing America by design.

Just like all these shootings are staged to shock the sheeple into giving up our guns,once they take our guns America is in trouble.

Guns are not the problem,people are.

Cain killed Abel with a rock,we're going to have to outlaw rocks,forks,lawnmowers,spoons,etc.

These people in charge have an agenda,I'd leave America if I could myself.

Stop in Hong Kong if you get that way,it's great.

Best of Luck!
# 3
Jerry Dylan
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Jerry Dylan
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12/31/2012 2:45 pm
Reform is what we need and I'm glad someone is doing something. and yes Fox news is evil.
Best Of Luck
# 4
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01/03/2013 2:27 pm
So basically you're a statist who will swear allegiance to whatever government will support your personal projects? You're exchanging the one party republicrat system that worked so well for you here for a one party system in China?

I'll be honest up front. I'm not a republican or democrat. I'm a libertarian and diametrically opposed to statism whether it be in the form of the homegrown republicrat party or communist China. I hate government as much as Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington did.

The house of cards built by the republicrats and the federal reserve banking system is only one possibility of a structure that the U.S. Constitution allows to be built upon it's foundation. Yes, the republicrats and the superstructure that they built are corrupt, but that structure is not our Constitution and Bill of Rights. And I would agree that the people have become corrupt as well. Just as Benjamin Franklin said in his final speech at the Constitutional convention "...that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other."

Fortunately, we'll have the foundation to get back to if we don't deviate too far in either direction when the republicrats house of cards falls. At least we have a possibility. What they have in China to fall back on are despotism, purges and genocide.

You titled this thread, "if you love this nation..." What are you getting at? That you love this nation so much that you will support another government against it and those of us who are loyal to our people and culture? I don't wish you luck. Especially not for crackpot inventions that you think they can use against us. Nor do I give a damn about the Chinese government. Haven't you noticed that inventions don't come out of China? All they do is copy things made elsewhere because there is no entrepreneurial incentives to invent anything. Have fun writing state approved songs that restrict your ability to express what's truly in your soul.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.
# 5
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01/03/2013 6:00 pm
BobbySan07, read my other posts. I was never intending to go to china. I was being a squeaky wheel. Unfortunately, because of the people not caring enough about our corrupt gov., they do nohting whereas I have written illegal letters, been arrested etc in trying to change things and to stick up for my constituion rights.
I fail to understand why people refuse to want to assist me in these goals of mine. Its not like i was asking people to do this for free (do demos, do website etc). Nor was I asking for myself as much as I was asking this for the people. I'd offered contracts for future profits for anyone who would do demoes, webiste etc. I was and am also guaranteeing to the people and our gov how i would sign away 95% of my shares from all my works. I don't want to be rich. I dont want to be rich because, absolute power absolutely corrupts. I wanted my shares to go into an account i could not touch but would be overseen by elected officials/people who woud be paid to disperse these profits from MY WORKS towards those who are in need.
It amazes me that even though I did inform people and our gov how i would go to china, no one cares? You'd think the people would be up in arms and either help me or very least try to have me arrested. I do own means to literally bankrupt this nation. I assure you my inventions are not 'crack pot' creations. All the chinese gov would have to do is market my novels using their state run medias and take it from there. There's no way I need to do this. All I need is a website for my fool proof market plan and i shall, all by my lonesome, without anyone else's help succeed. I can afford a website software, if not this month, next month.
I am writing you because, at least you were concerned enough to have written back voicing your concerns. Only two others did this and one stated he did wish me success in over throwing our gov.? People complain about the injustice in this nation but no one wants to do anything about it? Go figure. Changes can be made wihtout violence and even in a peacful and benevolent means and ways. I shall prevail-Dan
# 6
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01/07/2013 6:29 am
A little history .. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was introduced in Congress by Carter Glass, a Democrat from VA. It was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, of the Democratic Party. A decade later we had our first depression.

The most devastating event since then was the passage of the 17th Amendement which gave the election of Senators to the people (popular vote) rather than to the appointment by the State Legislature of the states that they were supposed to represent. At that point there was no longer anyone representing the rights and the interests of the states. Everyone got elected by promising the most to the citizens, the federal government began at that point to grow exponentially because there was no avenue the individual states could use to push back. This amendment was brought in under FDR, a statist, and a Democrat.

FDR started the practice of massive government spending in hopes to improve the economy. His Secretary of the Treasury said years later, "we spent more than ever before, ran up amazing debt, and had absolutely no effect on unemployment".

You are fast to hammer away at capitalism yet you haven't seen true free market capitalism on a large scale. This is because we've allowed Washington to amass so much power that it is now crony capitalism. Where the government picks winners and losers. This is why the tax code is 70,000 pages plus. Each page outlining a tax break for a special interest. Face it, there is no elected office holder smart enough to write tax law, so it gets written for them. They have no idea what they propose or what affect it might have. Yes, they are all sell outs, but they can only trade against the power we gave them and that we need to take from them.

If you want to see capitalism on a small scale, look at this website. You can learn guitar on the internet for free, yet GuitarTricks has 1000's of paying subscribers because they offer what people are willing to pay for. I hope that they are making a profit doing so because I want them to be around for a long time. There was no government by their side. Someone took the risk to invest capital and produced a viable product. One of the best products. Should another site do it better, then so be it. The list of companies that are now defunct far surpass the list that are currently operating. That is capitalism. No guarantees, just opportunity.

Not a fan of any party right now, but to point the blame at only one side, is completely misguided. We have some of the biggest statists in charge right now. Setting up systems to control your healthcare, your energy usage, your water supply, your access to self preservation and your right to own property.
# 7
john of MT
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john of MT
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01/08/2013 1:25 am
Originally Posted by: Mike51A little history .. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was introduced in Congress by Carter Glass, a Democrat from VA. It was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, of the Democratic Party. A decade later we had our first depression.

The most devastating event since then was the passage of the 17th Amendement which gave the election of Senators to the people (popular vote) rather than to the appointment by the State Legislature of the states that they were supposed to represent. At that point there was no longer anyone representing the rights and the interests of the states. Everyone got elected by promising the most to the citizens, the federal government began at that point to grow exponentially because there was no avenue the individual states could use to push back. This amendment was brought in under FDR, a statist, and a Democrat.

Actually, that depression was at least the fifth, not the first.

Further, the 17th Amendment was ratified about eight months *before* the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. The amendment had been adopted in the House and Senate in the spring of 1912...20+ years before FDR.

As for the rest of the comments I defer to the Forum Posting Guide:

"Open Discussion: Use this forum to discuss anything that is not related to guitar. Anything from cars to food. POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS as well R rated discussions are not allowed to ensure a fair and family environment for all our users." (emphasis mine)
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 8

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