I saw this ( http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2012/11/26/_please_please_me_50th_anniversary_how_the_beatles_recorded_their_first.html ) and thought of your post in early October.
From the url, "Starting today, Brow Beat will follow the Beatles every week in “real time,” 50 years later, from their first chart-topper to their final rooftop concert. We begin with the Fab Four’s first No. 1 hit, “Please Please Me,” recorded on Nov. 26, 1962"
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
-- Chet Atkins