If you are looking at line6, check out the spider JAM before you buy. It has jam tracks already recorded, just choose which one you want. All jam track were record is studios with real people playing. Just spin the knob and have 200 different sound voicing waiting for you to try. Plus it has 12 amp presets ready to.
It is not a tube, but recreates the sound of a Marshal, Fender, Masa Bogie list just goes on. It also records. you can do one layer over another.
It runs about $400.00 and only weighs 50 pounds. 75 watts 12" speaker.
Record yourself playing a rythem, them record youself playing lead over your own song. Then if you have a mic, record yourself over that, then if you have a bass or piano, plug them in and record on top of everyting else. Heck you can have a friend plug in and record you both at the same time and still go back and record more,
I could go on...... just don't by a line6 with out checking the Jam out.
I own one, love it.
oh i forgot to say you can change the key or tempo of any jam track on the amp.