Also, which string - a thinner or a thicker - is it that you add?
7-string guitars!

This is probably a stupid question.. but, how du you play a 7-string and how does it sound?
Also, which string - a thinner or a thicker - is it that you add?
Also, which string - a thinner or a thicker - is it that you add?
# 1

Hmmm, there isn't much of a difference in playing a 6 or 7-string really. You just get an extra 5 lower notes.
# 2

*scratches head* From what I recall 7 stringers have an extra low B string tuned to standard - and a correspondingly wider neck- so i guess that for chords you can use the 7th string instead of the 2nd, or if you have enough fingers play at the same frets on 2nd AND 7th!
The whole idea of 7 [or 4:)] stringers is a bit weird for me (although I have never played one) ,because if you need pickups/parts to upgrade a 6 string they are widely available..but for a 7? -besides look at all the fantasic (tecnical as well as feeling) music that has been made with 6 stringers. [ok,ok AND with basses as well].
The whole idea of 7 [or 4:)] stringers is a bit weird for me (although I have never played one) ,because if you need pickups/parts to upgrade a 6 string they are widely available..but for a 7? -besides look at all the fantasic (tecnical as well as feeling) music that has been made with 6 stringers. [ok,ok AND with basses as well].
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 3
I drop A tune my k7 and that makes it alot easier to work chord shapes. It is kind of hard to get used to playing with a wide neck.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 4
Originally posted by magicninjaAh yes, some simpathy for those of us who play 12-strings, or classical! :)
...It is kind of hard to get used to playing with a wide neck.
# 5

You get an extra low string (tuned to B)which does take a little getting used to at first. When you think you're playing an A but its really an E. UGHHH!!! But the sound is so cool on those new lower bar chords(B,C,C#,D).Once you get used to going 'down there', its hard to go back to 6-strings.On the negative side, the wider neck can impose some problems when soloing but on the whole, I love it.
# 6
I was once honestly going to ditch the high E string and just have b e a d g b. It would have made the neck thing easier to deal with, but i decided just to learn something new.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 7

I don't play a 7 string as my first choice, but my experience is to tune it to E A D G B E E. That unison E that is used for a thicker high end sound..good for blues solo's and rythems
Mai Zure - So overdriven, he sh*ts distortion
# 8