New here

Hello all, I've been veiwing this site alot lately and decided to make an acount as my name indicates I came to guitar from viola (though I consider guitar to be my main instrument) Im relativly new to guitar with 2 years under my belt but there wasnt much of a learning curve becuase it was my second stringed instrument. Im into almost all music (not including pop after 1990) but metal has always been my baby, I own 4 guitars and 3 amps (also a starter bass setup) also I love rap
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Hi Violaman,
Good to see you here, welcome to GT!
Good to see you here, welcome to GT!
[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
GT Channel Host[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
GT Channel Host[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
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Originally Posted by: Violaman...metal has always been my baby, I own 4 guitars and 3 amps (also a starter bass setup)
Awesome to hear. Welcome, from another heavy-metal fan :cool: Hope the transition to electric serves you well!
Am I the only one who plays multiple instruments? Let's be inspirational and find our muses everyday!
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