Originally Posted by: michaelg210Do I need to subscribe or are the lessons the same...
Guitar Fundamentals 1:
Chapter 1. Correct Posture and Technique
1: What A Pick Is And How To Use It
2: Right Hand Technique for Absolute Beginners
3: Left Hand Technique for Absolute Beginners
4: How To Hold The Guitar
Chapter 2. Basic Knowledge
1: Parts of the Electric Guitar
2: Parts of the Acoustic Guitar
3: Guitar Parts & Functions
4: Tuning with an Electronic Tuner
5: Tuning with the Guitar Tricks Reference Tuner
6: How To Read Tablature
Chapter 3. Introduction to Chords
1: The Mechanics of Fretting Notes
2: Simple Chords Group 1: Intro To C Major & G Major
3: Simple Chords Group 2: Intro To A Minor & E Major
Chapter 4. Playing Melodies
1: How Notes Are Named (Introducing A-G Terminology)
2: Note Names on the 1st and 2nd Strings
3: Note Names on the 3rd and 4th Strings
4: Note Names on the 5th and 6th Strings
5: Tips on Learning and Practicing Music
6: More Simple Melodies
7: Natural and Accidental Notes
Chapter 5. Playing Full Chords
1: Full Chords Group 1: A, D, and E
2: Practicing Switching Chords 1: A, D, and E
3: Full Chords Group 2: C, F, and G
4: Practicing Switching Chords 2: C, F, and G
5: Full Chords Group 3: Introducing the B Major Chord
6: Practicing Switching Chords 3: E, A, and B
Guitar Fundamentals 2
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to Music Theory
1: Intervals for Beginners
2: C Major Scale for Beginners
3: Picking Technique For Beginners: Scale Exercise
4: C Major Scale Exercises For Beginner Guitarists
5: A Minor Scale for Beginners
6: A Minor Scale Exercises For Beginner Guitarists
7: C Minor Scale for Beginners
8: C Minor Scale Exercises for Beginners
Chapter 2. Introduction to Minor Chords
1: Full Chords Group 4: A, D, and E Minor
2: Practicing Switching Chords 4: A, D, and E Minor
3: Mixing Major & Minor Chords 1: G, E minor, C, D
4: Mixing Major & Minor Chords 2: C, A minor, F, G
5: Mixing Major & Minor Chords 3: A min, C, D min, E
6: Seamless Chord Changes For Beginners
Chapter 3. Scales and Chords and Triads
1: Scales And Chords Relationships
2: Using Scales to Connect Chords Exercise 1
3: Using Scales to Connect Chords Exercise 2
4: Introduction to Triads & Chord Inversions
Chapter 4. Introduction to Reading Music Notation
1: Learning To Read Music Tutorial 1
2: Learning To Read Music Tutorial 2
3: Learning to Read Music: A Quick Reference
Chapter 5. Simple Songs Using Chords and Scale Notes
1: 12 Bar Blues in A
2: More 12 Bar Blues in A
3: House of the Rising Sun
Chapter 6. Learning and Practicing the Rest of the Minor Chords
1: Full Chords Group 5: B, C, F, and G Minor
2: Practicing A, D, E Major Chords
3: Practicing A, D, E Minor Chords
4: Practicing C, F, G Major Chords
5: Practicing C, F, G Minor Chords
6: Practicing E, A, B Major Chords
7: Practicing E, A, B Minor Chords
Chapter 7. Practicing Major and Minor Scales
1: Practicing Scales for Beginners
Chapter 8. Introduction to Barre Chords
1: Introduction to Barre Chords for Beginners
2: Practicing Barre Chords
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