Originally Posted by: axeman81http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enaYgJesWeM
It does seem exceptional. Would you recommend the HT1R above the previously suggested Roland?
the Blackstar is a tube hybrid amp, so you can get the overdriven tube sound which I like for my blues. I've tried a couple of modelling amps and solid state amps and they dont quite reproduce valve tone of the Blackstar.
Also, as I mentioned it is very simple so you dont spend too much time playing around with settings.
I'd recommend you try both and go for the one that you like the sound of, and if you can't really hear a difference then buy the cheaper one.
Before I tried a couple of amps I didn't really think I would notice a difference between amps and I could adjust any of them to suit. But I made a quick bond with the Blackstar.