Deadline of the $99.00 a year offer

Full Access
Joined: 11/20/09
Posts: 3
Full Access
Joined: 11/20/09
Posts: 3
01/09/2012 3:29 am
What is the deadline for the $99.00 for a year subscription?
# 1
Ben Lindholm
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 02/02/02
Posts: 980
Ben Lindholm
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 02/02/02
Posts: 980
01/10/2012 11:58 am
Hi, this is from the latest newsletter:

Q: "What is the promotion?"
A. Through Tuesday, January 17th (Next Tuesday) we are lowering the price of a year with Guitar Tricks to $99. That is only about a quarter a day, and the lowest price you are likely to ever see for Guitar Tricks.

So, you have until January 17th :)
# 2

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