new to guitar (electric)

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Joined: 12/14/10
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Joined: 12/14/10
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01/01/2012 5:13 am
i wanted to play since i was a kid now i am 41 and can't seem to read tabs and understand chords.i like to play muse's song uprising or knigh ts of cydonia any help will do ty
# 1
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01/01/2012 1:10 pm
Hi Deadlykiller..
Welcome to guitar tricks..
First you need to try a full membership to see what there is here.
There is a section on reading tabs..
Fundamental 1 tell about the guitar, fundamental 2 starts you on scales and chords.
The tool box has chords and scales finder that will save you tons of time when you want to refresh your brain on a particular scale location or how to finger a chord..
Good luck in your guitar studies
# 2
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Joined: 08/20/11
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01/02/2012 3:34 pm
youll have a lot of fun on the electric. Best instrument ever! in my opinion.
Practice hard and you'll be able to play a lot of fun stuff.

# 3

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