Am I Too Old

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10/07/2011 7:19 pm
Hello,Need Help

Have always wanted to play the Guitar, so I started last Christmas after my Wife got me one, "But am I Too Old, Have I left it to late" I am now 52yrs old.
I have been teaching my self with the aide of Beginners books ,
I can now play Apache, Ghost Riders in the Sky, and Wonderful Land by the Shadows,
As well as Danny Boy, But these are all basically easy , compared to cords which I am having a lot of trouble with,
But still having trouble changing from one cord to another and my right hand just forgets how to strum, will I ever be able to play or am I just to Old, Please be honest I donā€™t mind the truth, better to know than to carry on with some thing I will never be able to do or master,
Just so it helps my Taste in music and the music I would love to play is American 50s Rock & Roll / Doo Wop.
Many Thanks for any Help Keith
# 1
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10/07/2011 7:26 pm
This question has been asked so many times.. you re not too old man. If you wanna learn to play and you have the time to practice, then keep going.. welcome to this never ending beatiful journey
# 2
Alan Bade
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Alan Bade
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10/07/2011 7:28 pm
Keith we are both in the same boat. I'm 52 and started playing a year and a half ago. I actually go to a lesson for half and hour once a week and that has helped with some of the confussion. I've bought books, dvds, and go on line for information all the time. Every thing gives you a little help, and I found out you can't sustitute any of that for good ol practice. Playing the guitar is like being a kid all over again. So crank it up and enjoy the ride.

a fellow oldie
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10/07/2011 8:03 pm

Thank you Alan Bade & 3donkey,
Will book up for lesson's and enjoy the ride as you say, I love playing the Guitar just wish i had taken it up as a child
I practice every day for about half an hour in the morning and afternoon,
keeps me out of the wife way, but love playing, cant wait till I can play my
favourite Songs,
Once again Many Thanks ukrocker
# 4
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10/07/2011 9:04 pm
David Gilmour once said that rock n' rollers are the only adults that get to continue playing like a child when growing up. Just take a look at Paul McCarntney! He's 69 and having fun like in his twentees...

It's late, it's late, it's late but not too late :)
# 5
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10/10/2011 5:24 pm
HI guys,
Thought id add to your discussion on getting older and starting to play, Im 53 and been playing 7 months the only regret i have is not starting earlier but hey dont us oldies have more dedication .... sometimes! So keep rockin and remember your old enough to join Mick & Keef in the stones.
# 6
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10/11/2011 5:49 pm
Hey guys,

Bravo for starting to play when you did!

I have 2 beginner students who are in their 70's, and they are envious of YOU, you young whippersnappers, you!

Have lots of fun with it, at any age, at any stage,
Lisa McCormick, GT Instructor
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10/25/2011 4:01 am
I'm 68 and started about 2 months ago...workin' it every day...lovin' every minute...

Keep pushin' WILL come...
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10/25/2011 12:44 pm
Yes sir Steve!
# 9
Mike Michael
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Mike Michael
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10/26/2011 8:49 pm
I hope you are not too old, because if you are I am ancient. I am 78 and just started to take my guitar playng seriously this year. Thanks to Guitar Tricks,( now that I have found them), it seems after abouf 4 months it is getting easier. I am retired and I love to play the guitar. So between Lisa Teaching me Acustic and Anders teaching me Electric Blues I am having a great time. Blues and Country are my favorates. I am always practicing something. So good luck have a good time, and don't wory. Mike
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10/30/2011 5:10 am
Absolutely NOT!

I have a guitar student that is Grandfather of 64. Not only is he a grandpa, but he was a mechanic most of his life, so his hands are mangled and knurled from all of the years of abuse from the hard work. Yet, he is making lots of progress and learning a lot! It is never too late, you are never too old, and your hands are never too beat up. Now, his hands are the most beat-up I have seen (aside from my friend who also happens to be a mechanic who cannot extend certain fingers), and yet he is still able to play guitar because he sought out a teacher willing to work with him. Just keep at it and you will be jamming on doo-wop in no time!

James Erickson
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11/03/2011 2:36 am

Many of us asked the same thing, I did a few years ago and I'm 35, used to play drums and now I'm in a cover band, and play drums guitar and bass with those guys.

I always say, we are more attitude than talent, but we are getting so much better.

My point is, get in the ring, get the things rolling, give it time and very soon you'll se those gratifying results you are looking for.

Start slow and easy, get some easy to reach goals and start raising the bar little by little. It's kind of a long road?, yes but the travel is great and the destination only you will know when you get there.

Keep uo the good work.
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# 12
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11/03/2011 1:59 pm
This is a wonderful conversation! I love that we can all meet here on the forum, offer up our stories and our encouragement to one another. Guitar can be such a solo pursuit, it is important to remember that we are really part of a worldwide community of people who share a love of learning to play, at any level, at any age.
I feel so lucky to be connected with you all!
Be well, Lisa
Lisa McCormick, GT Instructor
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# 13
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11/04/2011 1:23 am
Originally Posted by: SunKing1David Gilmour once said that rock n' rollers are the only adults that get to continue playing like a child when growing up. Just take a look at Paul McCarntney! He's 69 and having fun like in his twentees...

It's late, it's late, it's late but not too late :)

yes, another 53 y/o here picking up the 6 stringed habit after a 25+ year layoff. Slowly but surely...;)
# 14
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11/15/2011 1:54 am
Well hello every one I'm 51 started guitar about 6 months ago,getting no where then i discovered GT,decided to join in after 3 days i'm playing my first melody.Ithink the key is to practice and practice and when you're finished practice again.Boy I'm having fun. By the way my first time ever posting on a forum!
# 15
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11/15/2011 12:39 pm
Hi Miko60..
Welcome to GuitarTricks..
Glad you finally joined in on the fun..
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11/24/2011 11:02 am
Never to old to do something.

# 17
adir olf
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adir olf
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11/24/2011 2:54 pm
Originally Posted by: ChayakornNever to old to do something.


that is so way makes me want to tear up :)
Adir olf
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# 18
Maddy Lorraine
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Maddy Lorraine
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11/27/2011 2:10 am
And here I was feeling kind of embarrassed about picking up a guitar for the first time just a few weeks shy of turning 50! I wasn't even planning to tell any of my family or friends until I was far enough along that they wouldn't roll their eyes when I told them I'd started playing guitar. Lol! It's great to know there are a lot of others out there just picking it up at mid-life. I think I'm going to like it here!
# 19
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11/27/2011 8:53 pm
Hmmm, it seems to me that most of us are about the same age and just starting out with guitar. I spent a couple of months in my early teens strumming a bit, and stopped. Bad mistake. LOL. My mother (69) started playing only 2 yrs ago, and urged me to take it up again. So after 5 half hour lessons, lots of studying books, videos, lesson websites, I am now playing.
I went to visit with my mom a month ago, and she was trying to teach me things she had learned. My guitar was not tuned properly, my electronic tuner was no good, my guitar stand and book stand weren't good quality, and after trying for about 1 hr to play her way, we were both so frustrated that we stopped. This was a 2 nite stay, and we were both really looking forward to jamming together. Yeah, sure. Needless to say, I waited to the 2nd day... and picked up my guitar and started playing the way I'd been practising... after about 4 songs, she came out and said Wow, you can play Sounded pretty good. Now, I know I might not be playing properly, I don't have good rhythm for strumming, but, I like how I sound for a beginner. Just keep practising, read and watch everything, and get your own rhythm. Have fun. Just remember... You aren't doing it for others, you are doing it for YOU!
# 20

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