RIP Steve Jobs

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10/06/2011 12:20 am
Not guitar related at all, but just found out the news that Steve Jobs has passed away today. Whether or not you like Apple products, you can't deny how much this guy changed our lives with his leadership in Apple and the technology that came from it.
# 1
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10/06/2011 4:21 am
Agreed. He was a pioneer in the high tech industy. :(
[U]Ricks Current Mystery Video[/U] - Updated Monday March/02/2015
# 2
Ben Lindholm
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Ben Lindholm
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10/06/2011 9:12 am
Indeed! He will be missed!
# 3
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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10/06/2011 1:06 pm
Steve Jobs was a productive genius, a brilliant businessman & the creator of a long list of values. The results of his work were not only astounding innovations, they were often unimaginable until he created them.

I am sad he's gone. But I am happy he lived, loved working & succeeded.
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
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