Scales in Soloing

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04/05/2002 12:24 am
there aint no dumb questions. just some people too
dumb to ask. dont let the stuff bother ya man, one
day we'll all learn to respect one another. maybe.
# 1
Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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04/05/2002 10:53 pm

i didnt mean any disrespect by it -

all i meant was that you should try to think about it from the other perspective (when i started playing i judged people by songs, but not anymore), you know? i just think that once you realize that there is more to guitar than playing other people's music (if your serious), you'll enjoy it even more than doin the old g n r hits.

sorry, i should have been more specific and less harsher - i was in a pissy mood that day.
# 2
Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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04/05/2002 10:55 pm
Originally posted by Guitarboy82
if it helps then i guess i definitely contributed to your self analysis...anyways just try not put him down, share with us the knowledge u know and we dont like i said, id sure like to learn how u play (im sure your a shredder if u say u are)........and to you and christoph, no it wasnt suppose to be offensive at all, just a mind opener :P

do you even read the posts? seriously, i have no respect for shredders, im not a ****ing shredder.
# 3

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