Now I must stress that although signing up for this site is free there are charges for submitting songs to the various people. Occasionally there is no charge but that is down to who ever you are submitting to.
The great thing is that because you are paying you are guaranteed that your submitted track will be listened to unlike if you send a CD to an A&R man which will just sit in the pile on his desk. You will receive feed back for every track you submit whether they want to use it or not to prove you have been heard...!!!!
When you post songs they are digitally matched to certain opportunities and you get an email telling you if there are any matches for your track...but you can send any track you like to any of the advertised opportunities if you think it fits what they are looking for...
I've submitted three of my tracks's cost me a few £'s but two of the tracks went to a top Hollywood studio for inclusion in movies...!!!
Like I say its free to sign up but it will cost you to submit songs...but like I say, you are guaranteed they will actually be listened to...!!!
Just follow the link....
Best of luck...