Actually, one very big important issue that was not mentioned yet is how to relax...
After you play a note, or a chord, or anything.. after ANY movement where you exert energy...
You must relax your hand.
Play, relax, play, relax, play relax.
After every, single, note.
When you are moving your finger, you burn some energy.. if you don't relax it, it gets stuck in your finger, and doesn't allow proper blood flow, so after a certain point, it will start slowing down and hurting.
What usually happens is instead of relaxing the finger, most guitar players PULL it away from the guitar, which actually uses MORE energy. So make sure this doesn't happen to you.
At the beginning, you'll need to play REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY slowly, like so slow that you could sleep. lol You need to focus, and concentrate, and every time you play a note, you need to focus on relaxing your whole hand and body.
Yes, you can just trudge through this, and make your hands "last longer" but... is that really healthy?
Eventually, you will be able to relax your hand so fast that it's like martial arts. your finger will slam down and relax instantaneously, which will massively boost your speed.
Matteo Miller-Nicolato
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