hmmm... I'm self taught, been playing a little under a year... (had a guitar for a year and a half, but I've put it away so many times and for so long because i had exams etc etc)..
Music theory is great... but It needs a maths like mind... it's difficult to explain... I mean how old are you? If your in your early teens you might need help... i'm not that free in the faniacail department, so i've had to "borrow" books from the library... ask here... um, but being self taught is quite a difficult path to take, and sometimes, you need encouragment and there's no one there to give it... so motivation can become a problem... but if you'r like me who plays out of couriousity, and most importantly has fun, being self taugh isn't that bad.. i mean you start to correct your own mistakes with out noticing... I mean i saw an clip of me playing in the early stages, and i played crooked, my fingers were at an angle, my palm / knuckles were not parrlel with the side of the neck, and my thumb was nowhere near the centre of the neck... but i switched, with out noticing... and yes there are quircks in my technique, but i've over taken poeple of my age who started the same time i did, except their theory and practical and very tightly bond, mine are too seperate things... one is like imagining my fingures and the frett board, the other is visulising the notes on a keyboard (wich i find helps theory)...
but yeah, the best advice i can give you is to read what you can get... dont worry if something looks complicated... when you understand it, you'll be insulted at the idea of finding it difficult... like the idea of naming chords, when i first started, i thought F-me!!!! How am i suppoused to tell betweem A7, diminished, minor, add9, sus 2 or 4 etc etc... but the ideas are very very simple, just the bastid names are off putting...
good luck, and have fun... (doodling and improvising is not always a waste of time... but doing too much of anything can be a waste).