i dont want to sound racist because im not one and as a jew i cant be one, but the muslims dont see things like we see them. (maybe those who live in the western countries are different - i dont know).
They hate the western world, - most of them if not all, and and they are trying to explain their hate by saying stupid things (like saying that america is handling a crusade against the muslim world).
few day ago i heard that the pakistanian P.M said the muslism should handle their jihad by learning and getting more educated. This IS the problem. the learn koran all day the day, and of course they are poor and dont make any money and then they blame it one usa and israel and the whole western world. Instead they shall do what the pakistanian minister had said they should, and then one day they wont have to hate us anymore because they will live as good as we live...
About the palestinian problem: i dont want to start the whole argument again, but how can you expect peace when one day arafat talks to the western media and says he want to return to negotiation and in the evening of the same day i can see him on tv, yelling "millions of shahids (suicide bombers in simple words) are on their way to Jerusalem"
I know that people dont want to admit it because he is an important politician and everything but he is seriously ill, and hes getting crazy. He is acting the same way that Stalin was acting in the USSR.
And i dont realy undersand how can you call him the "elected president of the palestinias" when he wasnt ever choosen in democratic elections + he is president of PA for 30 years, which is quite anti democratic as well...
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek