secondly what other civlization have done (more than 5000 years ago in some of those cases), doesn't make what's happening right... thirdly, things are massively different from the days of the aztecs etc... it was a physical imposibily to be responsible for the death of 1.5 million people (iraqis in the us's case, and dont even get me started on the vietcong)... now it is, and IT'S HAPPENING.. just doesn't get mentioned... just the same ol' crap, that Suddam has boilogical/ chemical blah blah (same old story), and the cheek to say they care for the iraqi poeple.. JUSTIFY THAT FOR A COUPLE OF CENTS OFF YER LITER OF PETROL!!! let's be realisic here, imagine what happened on sept 11th happening 300 times over a decade.. well that's iraq for ya.. and they're still pushing for the case for bombing... I mean these poeple are sickos..
"Not all Americans are as naieve as you think. In fact, I bet there are a whole lot of Brits out there who are just as ignorant as the next American"
yeah i agreee with you (i talk to alot of anti-war poeple), and I dont think pointing out a screwy politcal system is "bashing america" (unless you think the screwyness is vital)... and it's not "anti_american" to point out the flaws in the government, IT@S YOUR RIGHT! One new yorker got brandedan an "anarchist" because he wrote "american imprialism will lead to more falling biuldings"... How in god's name is that conpiring to take out all laws, or destroy a comfortable orderly system?
"everyone's involved (your goverment supports us and helped us bomb Afganistan). "
uh, sorry that's not wholly true.. the UK (and maybe germany here and there) joined in, nobody else did.. everyone else feared bullying (being it millitary /economic/political) and said they'd join in... so what's the end product.. 3 cruise missles were fired by the brits, compared to the 50plus by the Us.. The US doesn't NEED the UK by any means, it's just a token act to make it look ok... oh yeah, where have i bashed americans? My whole "crusade" has been against the US forign policies and the media that suppourts/ covers/ and glosses over these little blemishes in that Gucci suit and military haircut..
sorry about this... thank's for the input though..