hmmmm... she is... the thing is though I dont think most of you would know where the highest rate of kidnap is! (i asked alot of my friends, and i got given names of middle eastern countries, or far eastern).... well the answer is coloumbia... secondly this is being used as the main centre piece of the "war against terrorism" propaganda machine (or "infomation war"as the pentagon likes to call it, what is it with them and misinformation?).. yes it's very tragic, and I certainly would have done something to save his life if i could... but it's insulting to see how one american journalist (who's viewed as an enemy by these poeple) gets soooo much media attention, when poeple who happen to have been born outside the us (let's be fair none of us chose where to be born, and certainly have achieved nothing in ) die without anyone batting an eye lid (or are brushed off as "collatral damage")... I mean this is fine example of your case being as powerful as the media that represents you... and in all fairness, the poeple who killed him never had their story put to us... For all we know, they may have excuted him as a spy, but we dont know...
If you thought this was barbaric, then you may be shocked to find out what's been done in the name of the american poeple in the south american countries... yep, "we're not in the biusness of telling democratic countries what to do!!" was the comment not too long ago about isreal from one of the US representatives, which i think is a fair comment... but what about Peru? Hmmm? didn't think of that when they helped to topple a democratically ellected president... no course not.
this is all being used (with lots of graphic descriptions, cos you want to get your message to poeple without having to biuld a story too much) to whip up the american poeple in to bombing Iraq (becuase remember kids, the worlds richest country bombing some of the worlds poorest country as PR is "war against terrorism", and wholly legitamate cause), and there was talk of this before even bombing afganistan (which ironically had been discussed in June 2001)...