Lack of response might just be because you're casting a pretty wide net with "industrial tone" as your description. The guitarist from Nine Inch Nails seemed to have a pretty good industrial tone... I never liked it but it was definitely distinctive.
At a wild guess, I'd say you're looking for the least "authentic" amp tone out there.. you want something really brittle and harsh, very "digital distortion" sounding. Effects are probably going to be in the realm of distortion, compressors, noise gates, and EQ (another guess, but I'd say get any sort of bottom end out of there). Keep away from chorus, flangers, reverbs, delays, etc... keep it dry and in your face. Also try to turn off or avoid things like speaker simulation. Again, that's just my guess, someone else may have a completely different idea of what "industrial" means...
Hey, looking at your tag line, have you seen this guitar? Its totally you!