
I think the quality of this 'open discussion' is going down the drain. a month ago, we had great stuff going on here. now we seem to be dragging on crap. just my opinion. anybody else notice?
# 1

not really... it kinda was always like this...You get a while when someone raises a serious guitar question, and everyone gets involved (i mean like the "guitar solo's making a comeback" thread), which is pretty good... some times we need to let our hair down, and not take our selves too seriously... I mean 'tis the open forum... for open thought (whithin what i consider to be decent)... I mean it'll pick up in a bit...
# 2

It's bound to happen the more experienced and knowledgable you get about guitar playing. Sometimes I sign on and look at the threads and think 'jeez..I already know the answers to all those questions', and get frustrated that the question was already asked and answered a year ago. But the same thing happens with guitar magazines etc... one month I'll buy Guitar Player and learn something totally new.. other times I feel like it's the same stuff rehashed over and over again. You just have to remember that at one point, all this information was brand new to you too.
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 3
Well I have to admit that the "The similarities between playing the guitar and sex" thread was a major low point.
# 4

[gui***site.com,etc] have far worse threads, in general
I'm thankful for Guitartricks.
I'm thankful for Guitartricks.
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 5

yeah...but i mean seriously, at a creative standpoint, this is the most active forum ever, at least it was not too long ago. we arent seeing people as much anymore. we arent getting the ideas anymore. im going to start making new threads again, because there are a few things i am still new at. but alot of the **** on here is absolutely...
# 6
Having been here for two years, I can say that this sort of thing comes and goes. Right now is one of those "chit chatty" points in the cycle, it'll pass.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 7

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