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Joined: 08/10/01
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Joined: 08/10/01
Posts: 882
02/19/2002 2:14 pm
yeah... I mean rock music has only really been around for 40 or so years, really it's still in it's infancy... I mean i think there'll be a further development in how we percieve sound... I mean the most complex thing we have now is stereo. which is good, but there's gotta be more... I've been reading up on synthesia, a very cool "syndrome" where poeple see music, and hear colours (this happens when your stoned on some drugs too)... Now i think it's not long before someone will be able to harness this so that WE SEE the music (you can still see everything else around you, so if your worried about walking into lamp posts if you were to use this on your walkman while walking around town)... I mean really, at the minute we've not got very far from the days of beethoven... How percieve sound is pretty much the same... other than some funky panning steroe effects...
Secondly, there may be a new effect as revolutionary as the wah in the pipeline as we speak...

ps: i couldn't find that perticular post... but I feel sooo good when i see a forum filled with poeple calling each other homos and going nowhere.. it kinda makes me look sensible... and reminds me what a good forum this is...

[Edited by educatedfilm on 02-19-2002 at 08:21 AM]