tune ups

I like to get my guitars in at least once a year for a tune up and have them checked but with the humidity and heat of the summer and the dry cold winters I wasnt sure when the best time was. I know the wood can fluctuate with the there a better time to do a full on tune up and adjustment?
# 1

Ideally I think you would get it checked out at each of the seasonal extremes you have noted. You may not always need a set up unless you keep really tight tolerances. The more fussy you are, the more likely you will need set up.
Acoustics I don't find need too much seasonally, again depending on how low your action is, how you like your neck, etc. Electrics squirm around a bit over the seasons, but you should mostly only ever be looking at a little truss rod tweak for the season.
It's all relative. :) The next person might give you a list of 20 things that simply MUST be checked and tweaked.
Acoustics I don't find need too much seasonally, again depending on how low your action is, how you like your neck, etc. Electrics squirm around a bit over the seasons, but you should mostly only ever be looking at a little truss rod tweak for the season.
It's all relative. :) The next person might give you a list of 20 things that simply MUST be checked and tweaked. ever since then, I always hang on to the buckle.
# 2

Yeah I was surprised I didn't get more replies! We ended up getting mini splits-central air and it really helps to maintain a consistent temperature. Now I just need to compensate for the humidity levels. It's already so dry!
I do like my action pretty low and tight but that's about it for my pickiness!
Just want to make sure I am taking care of my guitars. I ruined an awesome 12 string when I was younger not taking care of it. Learned my lesson!
Thank you for replying! :0)
I've been trying to think of a nice reply-love comment lololol but my brain seems to be too slow today! But fret not....I will I will! Lol
I do like my action pretty low and tight but that's about it for my pickiness!
Just want to make sure I am taking care of my guitars. I ruined an awesome 12 string when I was younger not taking care of it. Learned my lesson!
Thank you for replying! :0)
I've been trying to think of a nice reply-love comment lololol but my brain seems to be too slow today! But fret not....I will I will! Lol
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