or you could copy what he says:
"PHiliP: OK.
You: ok
PHiliP: Is there an echo in here?
You: yes
PHiliP: I thought so."
heheheh... oh, it's sooooo fun...
edit: AAAAAAAAAH, it's intelligent
"You: do you mind if i ask you a question?
PHiliP: No I don't mind.
You: what is 1 + 1?
PHiliP: Two."
but see what happens when you give it some profanities mwahahahah!!
second edit: this made me crack up..
"PHiliP: What do you have against robots?
You: they are shiny
PHiliP: What makes them so shiny?
You: they are metal
PHiliP: metal are metal .
You: eh?
PHiliP: Are you Canadian?"
oh by the way it sometimes become nonesensecal, to get out of this just say "can i ask you a question", it also gets it's attention.. thanks to Paul Rydell for programming this bot...:)
Third edit: he's quite cheeky at times
"You: this is computer responding
PHiliP: You don't say.
You: yes, because you are not smart
PHiliP: And? Interesting explanation. You can't please everyone. Try again later and see if I've improved."
"You: u r stupid
PHiliP: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World."
[Edited by educatedfilm on 02-15-2002 at 01:37 PM]