I brought this thread from the grave to try to get as much feedback as possible. I have spent the past couple of weeks playing as many guitars as possible. I have played jackson, Schecter, dean, fender, Bc Rich, ibanez, and a few I have never heard of.
Here's were I'm at in my price range under 700
Fender: Just doesn't fit my style Out
Jackson: Played various models compared to the other stuff Out
Schector diamond: sounds great neck sucks Out
Dean: Played the razor backs Out
Dean: something that looked like a really old guy would play some blugrass on with some funky pearl looking inlays. Amazing, felt great, sound was incredible ,felt comfortable. Wouldn't get caught dead playing this in public Out lol
Dean: Deceiver Fg flat black very nice this is a guitar for me, nice neck,amazing sound, feels like a quality American made product.
Price 1000 to much right now some day Out
Ibanez: many rg's liked them all obviously the more spendy one's were better I would definitely by an rg in my price range.
Ibanez Xiphois: Love this metal machine, Nice neck, sounds good,looks good,simple 1 volume 1 tone and 1 toggle. Heard a few negative things about them but overall reviews are good.
The criticisms of these machines is only MY opinion of course:
And respecting honest criticism one of the stores I frequently visit does not carry ibanez and the owner is an anti Ibanez guy. Say's the quality is poor, tones suck, they come out of the box falling apart. etc. etc. But he also a salesman and I told him I was looking to buy a Xiphious.
Any opinions on this?
Pheww I had to much coffee