Sweep practice.

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09/21/2010 3:20 am
So I've been doing this for a while and it's hard to understand if I'm improving. I'll practice this for 30-60 minutes daily and have been doing it for a few weeks. This is at 60 bpm per triad, so 30 bpm per sextuplet. Sometimes I stop because I'm overrunning the metronome. Other times because things sound like I've got two strings sounding at once. For the clip I also did one segment at 60 bpm per sextuplet.

I think it's a mess, but I keep gunning at it.

Could use some feedback or suggestions.

Click here to listen to SweepPractice01.mp3

This is really hard!
# 1
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09/22/2010 3:48 pm
Its good your doing it this slow to simply get your left hand fingers used to sweeping patterns; from one string to another one note at a time.

Although since your doing it that slow, theres a good chance your not actually sweeping the strings with the right hand. At that speed, its easy to end up picking the strings individually when you may be trying to sweep. To actually sweep, you pretty much have to do it at a relatively fast speed.
# 2
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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09/23/2010 12:26 am
Originally Posted by: ScornEmperorCould use some feedback or suggestions.

It sounds like you are playing the top 2 notes on the same string; pulling off the highest note back to the next note:

E |----------------------------|
B |-------14-17-p-14-----------|
G |----14-------------14-------|
D |-14-------------------14----|
A |----------------------------|
E |----------------------------|

First I'd encourage you to practice with a clean tone. Next, I'd say focus on three strings, one note per string. Then add another string, before adding multiple notes on the same string.

I have a series of tutorials on the technique.

Sweep Picking Series 1: The Basics

Sweep Picking Series 2: Expanding The Sweep

Sweep Picking Series 3: Basic Applications

Basic Applications

Advanced Sweeping

But it sounds like you are trying hard! Congrats & keep working on it. :)
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 3
Joe Pinnavaia
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Joe Pinnavaia
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09/26/2010 2:27 am
I think you're on the right track by first playing with a metronome. You can practice with a distorted tone just keep any effects off - no chorus and no delay. Keep it sounding ugly - that's the best way to explain that. You want to be clean and precise without any effects on. Also if you can practice in front of a mirror it will show you if your right hand is following through with consecutive downstrokes and if there is any extra tension in your right hand. Find your low threshold on the metronome - where it's the easiest to play and then keep turning up the metronome a couple clicks at a time until it becomes uncomfortable mentally and physically to play. That is your high threshold. Then you can gauge your progress in regards to speed (you can use that with developing any technique).
I have a free eBook at my website if you care to check it out at:

Keep at it and all the best,
Joe Pinnavaia
# 4

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