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Telecastered Instructor
Joined: 03/12/04
Posts: 756
Telecastered Instructor
Joined: 03/12/04
Posts: 756
08/27/2010 7:26 am
Hello everyone,
I think anyone can learn guitar, they just have to want to do it. I didn't know theory, how to read music, or hardly any technique when I started. Now I play in multiple genres, and teach a lot of technique here at GT.

It seems like you all have what you need to learn, because you're willing to learn, and you want to. It's fine to have knowledge of music, but it's not a requirement. The great thing about what we have is that we teach how to learn it, and apply it to guitar.

Even if you can't read music now, you will see progress in your playing as you go through the lessons. Let us know how it goes, and we're always here to help.