tapping techniques

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07/29/2010 6:43 pm
hey guys i was just wondering some different things you do while two hand tapping

here are some i do:
double tap (randy rhoads style)
single string arpeggios
multistring arpeggios
pedalling while tapping
tapped harmonics
trill with left hand on high frets with pick hand sliding up fretboard starting on first fret
reverse tapping
double stop tapping
bend a note, tap it on a higher fret, pull off, then release the bend
bend a note and tremolo tap 3 frets higher
tap slide the tapped note then pull off to note fretted with left hand
tap a note and bend behind the nut
# 1
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07/30/2010 3:20 pm
You know, I never really got into tapping. I can do it well enough it I want to use it, but Its just a technique that never turned me on for some reason. Probably the furthest I got into techniques was sweeping, I love me some sweeping :D
# 2
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08/01/2010 4:19 am
Originally Posted by: JarsewYou know, I never really got into tapping. I can do it well enough it I want to use it, but Its just a technique that never turned me on for some reason. Probably the furthest I got into techniques was sweeping, I love me some sweeping :D

o kewl i have trouble with sweeping as hard as i try i cant do it that well...have any tips?
# 3
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08/01/2010 5:24 am
Originally Posted by: shahneno kewl i have trouble with sweeping as hard as i try i cant do it that well...have any tips?

Sweep Picking Series 1: The Basics

Sweep Picking Series 2: Expanding The Sweep

Sweep Picking Basic Applications

Sweeping Ideas

And more on the way soon!
Christopher Schlegel
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# 4
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08/02/2010 8:40 pm
Originally Posted by: shahneno kewl i have trouble with sweeping as hard as i try i cant do it that well...have any tips?
Definitely follow Schlegels tutorials. And once you understand the concept, well, practice practice practice!

I have been sweeping for 4-5 years, and I still could be better and cleaner at them, but I also dont practice them everyday either. One thing that can be difficult with sweeping is actually incorporating them in a song and in a creative manner.
# 5
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08/03/2010 3:45 am
Originally Posted by: JarsewDefinitely follow Schlegels tutorials. And once you understand the concept, well, practice practice practice!

I have been sweeping for 4-5 years, and I still could be better and cleaner at them, but I also dont practice them everyday either. One thing that can be difficult with sweeping is actually incorporating them in a song and in a creative manner.

ok thanks but lets get back on topic...anyone here have any other creative tapping ideas??
# 6
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08/03/2010 12:58 pm
Originally Posted by: shahnenok thanks but lets get back on topic...anyone here have any other creative tapping ideas??

Have you seen HP do his Stanely Jordan-esque thing?


Regi Wooten?


Now, that's some creative tapping!
Christopher Schlegel
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# 7
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08/03/2010 4:58 pm
Originally Posted by: CSchlegelHave you seen HP do his Stanely Jordan-esque thing?


Regi Wooten?


Now, that's some creative tapping!

wow never btohered looking at that because i didnt know that touch technique was that i thought it was palm muting lol anyother ideas that you guys use??
# 8
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08/06/2010 11:35 pm
I honestly could stand to develop my tapping more. I've done some two handed string skipping ideas with it.

Cool thread!

As far as sweeping this is the best:


It will keep you busy for a long time! :)
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08/07/2010 10:50 pm
lol thanks
# 10
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08/11/2010 10:13 pm
Oh nice and timely links there on the sweeping. I just started sweeping a few weeks ago and have put many hours of practice in. It's quite a time consuming technique to learn. Hopefully these vids will help me refine this down more.
# 11
Joe Pinnavaia
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08/31/2010 4:57 pm
I was never a good sweeper. Just never pannd out for me even with consistent practice. It's a lot better than even a year ago. As far as tapping I use a thing I call Triad tapping as it outlines certain traids and gives you a more intervallic sound. I've also been working on the Greg Howe hammer tap concept which is liberating and frustrating all at the same time :)

Gotta keep taking whacks at it.

All the best,
Joe Pinnavaia
# 12
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04/07/2011 12:27 am
Here are some advanced 9 finger tapping techniques you may find interesting. I am playing the Chapman Stick but I hope you can get a lot out of it. The link is a version of While my guitar gently weeps. I have lot's of free tapping lessons for Stick but parts of many can be used on guitar. These are not for profit videos here. I just want to share the techniques.


Thank you

# 13
Ben Lindholm
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04/07/2011 10:50 am
That was awesome Bob!
# 14
Bill Brown 1979
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Bill Brown 1979
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04/19/2011 12:09 pm
Extremely awesome Bob!

I've just started learning 4-note-per string scales with tapping. The only bit of tapping I've done really.
# 15
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04/19/2011 6:38 pm
Originally Posted by: cubby12345Here are some advanced 9 finger tapping techniques you may find interesting. I am playing the Chapman Stick but I hope you can get a lot out of it. The link is a version of While my guitar gently weeps. I have lot's of free tapping lessons for Stick but parts of many can be used on guitar. These are not for profit videos here. I just want to share the techniques.


Thank you


Woah!! Awesome video Bob :)
# 16
David Lalumiere
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David Lalumiere
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05/17/2011 3:13 am
Originally Posted by: shahnenhey guys i was just wondering some different things you do while two hand tapping

here are some i do:
double tap (randy rhoads style)
single string arpeggios
multistring arpeggios
pedalling while tapping
tapped harmonics
trill with left hand on high frets with pick hand sliding up fretboard starting on first fret
reverse tapping
double stop tapping
bend a note, tap it on a higher fret, pull off, then release the bend
bend a note and tremolo tap 3 frets higher
tap slide the tapped note then pull off to note fretted with left hand
tap a note and bend behind the nut

Thx Shahnen for the cool tapping ideas, I'm not that good with that technique, those idea are inspiring.

Bob, this video is awesome ! First time I see this kind of guitar too :)
# 17

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